CH. 38

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The next day Ryan and I went grocery shopping with his mom and sister to pick up food for Thanksgiving Dinner. His mom, Wendy, really like me and so did his sister Angela. 

Angela took Ryan to the baking aisle to get sacks of flour and sugar while Wendy and I went to the fresh vegetable section of the market. 

"I'm so sorry about your mother" she said as she picked out some corn. 

"So am I" I told her. 

"You're always welcome to stay with us whenever you need to. Ryan won't stop going on and on about you"

"Really?" I giggled. 

"It might be a little early to call this but I can bet you two will end up married"

"I'd like that" I said. 

We collected all the fruits and vegetables that we needed and moved through the rest of the store. We found Ryan and Angela fighting with loaves of bread. 

"Children" I said. 

Ryan put down his bread sword and walked over to me. He gave me his famous puppy dog pout and I smiled. 

"Hey mom, we'll be in the car" he said. 

He took my hand and we walked out of the store. We sat in the back seat and before I knew it he was kissing my neck. I should tell him that my period ended this morning, a four day long period for once. 

"Ry" I said through a string of moans "Ryan, mother nature was kind to use"

"Hmm?" he asked. 

"I'm done with my cycle"

"SCORE!" he said "I'm getting laid tonight!"

"Why should I reward you for your actions? You and your sister were having a bread battle..."

"Because you love me" he said "And you love the things I do to you"

"Says who?"

He smirked and kissed me again. He rested his hands on my hips and ever so slightly rubbed them up and down. I let out a squeak when I felt his hands on the zipper of my shorts. 

"Fine, you can be mister lucky tonight" I told him. 

I got off his lap as his mom and sister made it back to the car. When we got home, Wendy took Angela to her soccer practice leaving Ryan and I alone in the house. Kendall called and asked if we wanted to come over for a scary movie marathon. 

"On the night before Thanksgiving?" I asked. "Shouldn't you all be with your families?"

"Peyton, I'm one Mormon in a house of ten Mormons. If there's a missing Mormon, no one will care" Brendon said into the phone "Now come over"

"Fine" I said. 

Ryan and I grabbed some movies and drove over to Kendall's house. I met her family too before she took us down to her entertainment room. Ryan and I got settled on the couch while she put The Hills Run Red into the DVD player. Brendon sat down on the couch with Kendall as the gore began. 


Peyton's face while she watched the movie was priceless. It looked like her lips were going to fall off her face. I sat there laughing while she freaked out. Brendon and I got up to refill the popcorn bowl while Peyton kept watching. He put a new bag in the microwave and looked at me; I knew that look. Before I knew it he had me plastered against the refrigerator and his hands were moving over my body like they'd never felt anything before. I dragged him away to the coat closet so no one would see us having a full blown sexcapade in the kitchen. He ripped my shirt off and my legs wrapped around his lower half. He pushed me against the wall and unzipped his pants; god I hoped we weren't being loud. He pushed up my skirt and felt me before taking a condom out of the back pocket of his jeans. 

"Really Brendon? In a closet?" I asked him. 

"Shh" he slid the condom on and carefully positioned himself so that he could slide into me while my back was against the wall. He pinned my wrists flat and pushed his way into me. It took everything for me not to scream or moan or make any sort of noise. He made small movements while kissing me, I nearly tore off his bottom lip with my teeth. When he finished, he pulled out and we composed ourselves before going back downstairs. 

We found Ryan and Peyton flat on the couch, she was underneath him and her tank top was hanging over the edge of the couch. He looked to still be fully clothed but his pants were definitely unzipped. She kept giggling and moaning as he touched her and they moved. 

"Ahem" I cleared my throat. 


"You know what it smells like in here? Two dirty whores and sex" Brendon said. 

"You had sex! You had sex!" I chanted like a four year old. 

"Oh like you didn't" Ryan said, handing Peyton her shirt. 

"I will neither confirm nor deny that statement" I said. "Now let's watch another movie"

I picked up Halloween, the Rob Zombie version and heard more giggling. I turned around and Peyton was straddling Ryan and his hands were in her hair. 

"Brendon!" I scolded. 

"What did I do?" he squeaked. 

"You're supposed to be making sure they don't do...whatever that is"

"You never put me on babysitting duty" he said. 

"It was implied" I said "Don't make me get the squirt bottle we use on the cats"

Ryan and Peyton separated as the next movie started. I swear I heard them kissing as Michael Myers killed that nurse but whatever, I sat back and watched the movie. 

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