Ch. 40

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The rest of Thanksgiving Break went really well but before I knew it I had to drive home and start life on my own. I said my goodbyes to Ryan's mom and sister before he and I sat down on his porch swing again. 

"Please don't leave, Pey. I'll worry about you more than I already do" he told me. 

"You worry about me?" I asked. 

"Every day. What else am I supposed to do? You're two hours away from me at all times. If something happens to you and you can't let me know, I don't know what I would do. Please just stay here, don't go back"

"Ryan, I have to go back. My house is there, what few friends I have are there, my mom is there. I know she's in a facility but still. Plus it's like you said, in a week we'll be on break again"

"I'm sad that I won't be with you for your birthday" he said. 

"Me too. Turning eighteen is supposed to be special but it's just going to be another day"

"It'll only be the way if you let it" he told me "Treat it like it's your day, because it is. Wear a pretty outfit, buy something crazy, call me every ten minutes if you want to, just celebrate" he said. 

"I will" I told him "Time to go"

We got up off the swing and he walked me down to my car. He and I just stood there by the driver's seat door, I didn't want to get in the car. I almost started crying because I knew how much we'd miss each other again. He saw me looking down at my shoes and picked my chin up with two of his fingers. 

"Peyton, look at me" he said "Everything is going to be fine"

He brought his face close to mine and I leaned forward so that our lips met. I felt his tongue against my bottom lip and I let him inside my mouth as his body pressed me against my car. His fingers were playing with the bottom hem of my shirt as we kissed. I didn't want this to end, I didn't want us to end. I wanted to graduate and be with him for the rest of my life. If that meant giving up college then so be it. I'd never had a relationship this serious and I was going to do everything in my power to keep it together. 

When his lips detached from mine, I felt empty. I knew my place in life was with him, we belonged together. 

"Call me when you get home" he said "And I mean the second you park in the garage"

"I will" I told him "I love you"

"You know my response" he said. 

I finally got in the car and buckled up. I plugged my iPod into the cord that hooked it up to my radio and I backed out of the driveway. I saw him standing there in the mid-afternoon sunlight looking slightly depressed; I wished I didn't have to leave. 

I did call as soon as I got home. I also pulled out all of the job listing from the newspaper and started to circle or high light potential things for me. I definitely needed something with flexible hours that was close to home. I fell asleep at the kitchen counter with the highlighter in my hand. 

I woke up at noon the next morning, shit it was Mknday! I should have been at school! The facility that mom was in did call the school to let them know so this day off probably wouldn't have any affect on my education. I was already accepted to college anyway, not that I was going. Ryan told me that there was a label definitely interested in signing the band and they'd have to start touring and recording right after they got out. I should probably talk to Kendall and see what her plans are for education or the future. 

I got up from the kitchen counter and decided to go out looking for jobs instead of trying to go to school for a few hours. I showered and put on some business looking clothes before getting in the car and heading downtown. I dropped my resumé off at as many places as I could before going home and collapsing on my bed. It was only six pm but I was completely worn out. 

Just as I closed my eyes, my phone beeped with a text from Ryan. 

RyRy: Saw on FB that you didn't make it to school. Everything ok?

I loved how much he cared, it was so nice. 

Me: Needed sleep. Went job hunting. Hopefully I'll get an interview or two. 

RyRy: GOOD! :)

Me: I miss you :(

RyRy: Miss you more :/

Me: I'm gonna sleep. Love you <3

RyRy: Sweet dreams my angel. 

I put the phone down and passed out. 

The rest of the week I split between school, homework, and interviews. I was so happy when Friday rolled around because I needed winter break. There was a daycare center very interested in hiring me so I went to my interview there and got the job. Thankfully I didn't start until post break so I'd be able to see my friends. I called Ryan right after the interview. 

"RYRY I GOT A JOB!" I squealed. 

"That's great!" he replied "Do you have to work during break?"

"NOPE!" I told him "So you should come get me tomorrow"

"I'll be over tonight" he said. 

"I'll be waiting" I purred "We need to celebrate"

"We do" he said "And as I recall it's someone's birthday"

Oh my gosh, I completely forgot my own birthday! Wow...

"Oh gosh" I said. 

"See you in a few hours"

He hung up the call and I squealed; birthday with my boyfriend. I raced up to my room and danced around before starting a little packing for break, lord only knows where the road trip would take us. I also pulled out some lingerie for tonight and slipped it on. He sure was in for a show tonight. 

Things Have Changed For Me [SEQUEL TO FORM A MOUNTAIN]Where stories live. Discover now