Edward Elric Imagine

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Edward Elric Imagine-Human Transmutation

Note: I'm planning another imagine with a lot of angst, so be warned. And anyways, this is another oldie I fixed up to send out, because I'm particularly fond of it. I sure hope I didn't scare anyone away with my rant the other day, it just burned my biscuit a smidge. So, here we go, A Fullmetal Alchemist imagine from me to you.

Warnings: Talking of taboo human transmutation. *shaking my head*

Edward Elric Imagine

There were very few who wore the marks of human transmutation.

How deeply frowned upon, and shaming in itself. It was clear to anyone who had lost anything over it that they stuck out like a sore thumb. There was never a question of who had lost something for some other reason and who had made an egregious error. Whether it was the way they held themselves or the way they looked, you could always tell.

It was decently well known that the Elric brothers wore deep scars from their grand mistake, one result being the loss of a limb and the other a loss far greater. It was less well known that Edward, the older of two brothers, sacrificed another limb to bond his brother's soul to a suit of armor.  Other people, though, less famous and out of the way, hid their scars constantly.

Y/n L/n was a striking, talented young state alchemist. She had seen enough of the brothers in her days, falling at just a year older than Edward, and they studied together. For a while, she assisted them, but they broke apart at fifteen and sixteen.

A year later, when the older was seventeen and the younger sixteen, they met again.

Al had seen her first, and notified his brother.

Up on a small hill, standing at the very edge, was a figure. The long coat flapping in the wind was a distinctive characteristic, one that forced the two to investigate. During their search for everything, they had also been looking for a girl. A random enigma of a girl named Y/n L/n, her presence signified by a long, flapping duster along with a handful of other distinctive phenotypes. Ed was the leader of the campaign, ever since she left he'd been dying to find her. He claimed it was because she was a useful ally, and however true that was, Al refused to believe him.

"The second you find her, you'll drop a knee!" He consistently taunted. And while this may have been extreme, the stubborn brother never, ever denied it. He'd simply give an uncharacteristically patient sigh, shake his head a bit, and continue walking. This particular day, when he pointed her out, he simply shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Let's go, then."

As they approached, the wind grew just a tad stronger. Ed himself swayed a bit in the breeze, but the figure standing dangerously close to the edge  remained stone. For whatever reason this display made his heart twinge a bit, out of what he assumed to be either jealousy or respect. When they finally reached the top, they paused as the figure sighed audibly.

"What a pity, then, that I failed. Because certainly, if you were here, you would love this." The two exchanged a quick glance, deciding to listen as they had heard her voice. It most certainly was Y/n, and though his heard swelled, Ed crouched down a bit.

"Back then, I thought that the law of equivalent exchange was all that mattered. It was stupid of me to think that a little rat and some blood was equal to a soul. Especially yours, father. You were exceptional. And what would you think of me now?" One of her constant black gloves fluttered behind her, and Ed managed to catch it silently. The other followed, and the gentle clanging of metal was heard. "Hiding the scars of deformity, drawing from the depths of depravity. How warped."

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey," he called. "Are you just going to stand up there, all day? Or are you going to come have dinner with us?" She turned entirely, showing two automail hands. "Ed? Al?" She stood for a moment longer, and then rushed at the blonde boy, squeezing him tightly.

This was not quite what he expected.

"Hey, you're taller than me now! But...you're still short." In another uncharacteristic move, he merely rolled his eyes. "Come on, you have a lot of explaining to do."

It was actually awkward. The three were quite close, but she merely sat with her hands clasped in front of her, staring down at them.

"So, Y/n, are you-" Al stopped talking when she ignored him and removed her coat. Her shirt had very short sleeves, so it was easy to see. Both of her arms were automail, and they glimmered slightly in the dim light of the sunset through the window. She sat quietly, face tinted red.

"So," Ed asked softly. "Who'd you try to bring back?"
"My father." She admitted. "It was two years until I got proper funds, after I fixed myself I went to become a state alchemist."
"Why didn't you tell us if you knew we were trying to bring back our bodies?!"
"Because then I would become a priority, as well. And I don't think I deserve to get my arms back, really. It's different than you two, I was twelve. I should have known."

"It's not different, though. Grief makes everyone into children. And it's not like you still plan to bring him back, right?"
"So, will you come with us? If we promise to fix ourselves first?"

And Ed opened his mouth, but looking at the heartbroken girl in front of him, closed it.

Later, the two brothers were talking by a nearby lake as she slept.

"So, are you ever going to tell her?" Ed sighed and tossed a stone into the cool blue water. "I don't know. Probably, I mean. I wanted to tell her today. It's funny, I always held back because I thought she believed I was damaged. You know, she'd get real sad looking whenever she saw my arm. But now I get it, and I still can't tell her."

"Maybe you're over her?"

He glanced back at the passed out girl and sighed. "I don't think so, Al."

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