400th Voter Imagine--Death The Kid

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Death The Kid Imagine

Note: I completely understand that the DWMA doesn't work like a regular highschool, but I'm afraid that this bitch [moi] is as basic as they come, and it works with the plot I've thought up. Forgive me. Also, I'm really happy that we're here. Thank you for giving my baby love.

Imagine for: BVBCreed

Death the Kid Imagine

Y/n was a pretty normal girl. She liked books and fireplaces. She enjoyed the Fall and she liked going running, even if it killed her. However normal she was, nobody viewed her as such. To everyone at the DWMA, she was extraordinary. To Death the Kid in particular, she was extraordinarily asymmetrical.

Her weapon, Holt, insisted that they become a legitimate team, and in order to do that, they needed to become Shinigami and Death Scythe. To do that, they needed to go back to school.

They'd been freelance for a while, ever since Y/n turned fourteen. They found one another in a spurt of luck, both down on money and a place to go. Together, though, they were able to buy an apartment and form a team. There happened to be a shortage of bounty hunters that would work for regular people at that time. So, they became a dynamic duo, and the unbreakable bond between weapon and meister formed. 

At school they were well liked and admired, by all but Death The Kid. He didn't mind Hold but he hated her, or, that's what he told her most every day. On the off chance that they passed one another in the halls, he'd scoff and shove his hands into his pockets. She'd form her meanest glare look down her nose him. Either way, the weapons ended off pulling their meister's away from one another.

After a year of this mutual hatred, there had been a great many feuds between Death The Kid and Y/n M/n L/n. The most infamous, the most devastating, the most expensive one was known as 'The Apple Fight'.

Y/n took to messing with Kid's symmetry in a ruthless attempt to make him pay for taking her apple. It may sound trivial, but Y/n was the kind of person who gave things freely and often. So, to have Kid quite ceremoniously snatch the apple she was about to bite into was a big deal. It was made larger when he then took a bite, dropped it on the ground, and walked away. He also refused to apologize, and from there, no one could stop Y/n.

Those two weeks were dangerous for everyone. Even though Kid knew exactly who was triggering his breakdowns, he took out his anger on everyone else. If you were to commit a sin as minor as walk to closely to him, you might find yourself on the bad end of a tongue lashing that could sent grown men to the lavatory sobbing.

He didn't go without fighting back, though. Y/n was a generally tidy person, not too clean but not at all dirty. She did, however, despise being dirty. So, in the middle portions of the day where she couldn't go home or clean off, he would spill things on her. It started small, a glass of water on her blouse or coffee on her skirt. By the end of the feud, though, she had worn a cup of pudding on her chest, gum in her hair, and a sticky red substance kid told her was jello-water. She thought different, and spent the whole day squirming.

In fact, no one is quite sure why they even stopped. For some reason there was an unsaid truce, and it never happened again. They were, however, back to their usual savage remarks and haughty attitudes.

Graduation came soon, but not soon enough for the angry enemies. Y/n constantly remarked on how grand it would be to never have to see Kid's face again, and Kid often whined that the two weeks to graduation were going to kill him. Seeing as she'd shaved her left eyebrow a week before.

Three days before graduation, the meisters and their weapons were out for a coffee, to chat and talk about how they would stay in touch.

"Well, some of us might work together a lot!" Liz encouraged, which lit the mood a bit.

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