Chapter 8

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I find myself dressing up inside the bathroom of Joe's Coffee. My shift just ended and Tia is about to pick me up at exactly ten minutes from now. I brought a pair of jeans and a plain white loose shirt to pair with my sneakers. I don't have time to fix myself for clubbing so I'm going for the care-free look. After fixing my hair into a ponytail, I head for the parking area to wait for Tia.

As soon as I look around the open parking, I immediately spot her red car from afar. Yeah, Tia loves the color red, and she wants to flaunt her fierce head while driving. Typical Tia.

"Are we heading to church then?", Tia remarks as she parks in front of me and waits till I'm in the passenger seat.

"I don't have time and you know it", I retort back at her.

"You could've freshen up a bit, come on. You like you're ready to sleep on the couch. I'll give you some ten minutes to fix yourself. We're going to get drunk and you already smell like coffee. Go back in there!", she shoves me out of the car again.

I have no choice but to grab my things again. I'm not even in the mood. I was waiting for this for two days now but suddenly I am not in mood to dance or drink. I just want to curl up in bed and rest. These days, I am pretty beat.

I forced myself to dab some powder on my face, wear a little bit of make-up and redo my hair. I guess, Tia would be satisfied if I just let my hair down. So I pull the rubber band out and comb my hair. I look exactly like a very prim and proper school girl with a hairpin missing. I shake my head and let my hair fall freely and untamed. Now that's what I'm talking about. I'm ready.


The club is crowded already. As soon as we go in, reality hits me in the face. There are so many girls here. This must be a very well-known club after all. I think all the women and girls of city left their chores at home and in the office just to go here. Really crowded. I'm not ready to see Blake here. Now where does that come from?!

Tia pulled me deeper into the club. I'm pretty sure we're both first timers here but she seems to know the place already.

Then she dragged me into the bar. No seats but she ordered tequila for starters. I'm not in the mood for hard drinks today.

"I'm skipping that drink." I whispered loudly to her.

"No way, Lana." She shakes her head and pushes me the other glass.

"I really don't feel well to take that. I think I need to have something solid first." I continue to reject the drink and push it back to her.

"Fine then." She smirks and takes the glass. She drinks her own in one gulp and downs mine after.

"You are really going to be drunk after an hour." I shout at her over the loud speakers.

"I'll try not to be. Let's dance?" She asks me as she looks over the huge dance floor swarming with ladies grinding over each other.

"Are you sure bout this Tia?" I ask her as she seems to enjoy the view from the bar, one level above the dance floor. Why does it feel like I'm the straight friend and she's the gay one in here?

"Definitely!" She then grabs my hand and pulls me into the dance floor.

Tia really loves to dance but I don't know how freely she can get when the dance floor is exclusively for girls. She turns around and tries a few moves then after a few minutes is already on full blast dancing. I cannot get myself to dance though. I'm swaying like a girl trying to do my first dance moves. I just want to sit this out and just watch.

Just when the DJ pops in a new beat, the crowd suddenly goes wild. Everybody is jumping on the dance floor. She seems to play the national anthem of the city anyways.

Pulling Pieces (girlxgirl) Book 1 Puzzle Piecesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن