Chapter 10

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How to be a lesbian?...How to do lesbian?...Speak lesbian?...Wear lesbian?...Do I need to be a lesbian?

Tia just texted me that she'll come over for the weekend. I haven't told her that I am still not at Amy's. I still have to make an alibi so I can use a few more hours before going home to Amy's.

Tia. I'm on my way to the public library. Won't be back till late. Maybe you can come tomorrow? Still have to write the column Ms. Brunswick was asking for next Monday. I hit send. I hope its convincing.

I bring my hair up in a bun. I'm really nervous for this is going to be my first time to go back to Succubus Bar alone. I don't want to drag Tia in here just because she wants to watch me explore. I'm already old enough to carry myself. I feel more matured than Tia so I know when to stop drinking. But I have to remember to be mindful of the drinks while dancing which really fuzzes my mind that I don't get to count the shots.

I pull my nude spaghetti strapped blouse with laces covering the upper chest part. Maybe this will fit my jeans and sneakers.

I put on some dark blue liners on my eyes just to make them pop a bit and nude lipstick. I hope this is fine and I won't look ridiculous. I grab a black racer jacket of dad's which he must have given me some years ago and headed out.

"So where to?" Amy says from the living room. I did not expect her to be up this early, its only seven pm and she wakes up not before nine. She's holding a cup of coffee and a magazine on her lap.

"Just out." To a lesbian bar.

"Where to, Lana? She repeats, this time, sternly.

"Tia and I are going out tonight. We're going to a friend's birthday party." I say flat-faced.

"Hmm. Kay." She says as she flips on the magazine pages.

"See yah later", I say trying to sound excited and worry-free.

Once I reach the bus station, I slip on my jacket and waited for the bus. The bus ride is uneventful and it just gives me more time to think of what I'm going to do once I'm there. It's not really ladies' night tonight but I'm still taking my chances. Maybe I'll find somebody whom I can watch and just observe the night.


As I enter the club, I realize that it's not really ladies' night since I see a lot of guys inside already having fun with their girlfriends and peers. I suddenly remember Jake, of all the time, I remember him now. Maybe because he seems to look a lot like the guy shouting in the corner table with his friends cheering him. They have a few girls with them and they are all having fun. He is flirting with not only one of them though. Guys like Jake really doesn't know how to be monogamous. He enjoys a lot of attention and he seems to crave for it or long for it when it's not around.

Maybe that is how Libra's are. I don't want to believe in signs but he seems to fit exactly what they should be. Maybe Blake is also a Libra. They have similarities in a way but I don't want to admit them now. I don't want to be how Tia is with Jake. She had become very expectant of him even if most of the time, he disappoints her. Tia had been very clingy. Well I also don't want to be like that.

But what if Blake is really a Libra?

I sip on my drink as I think of the points wherein she may not be one. Thing is I am not against her being one. I am against me, being a lover of one.

I am deep in this thoughts when somebody approaches me and leans on the bar. A blonde girl.

"Care if I buy you a drink?", she says as she looks at my almost empty glass.

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