Chapter 21

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Few days gone by after our summer getaway. Blake haven't tried to contact me anymore. She didn't attempt to write me a message or send one in my Facebook. It's still a question where she has been and how come she not trying to get in touch.

Lately I am having constant exchange with Blake's sister asking her most of the time about what she knows of Blake's whereabouts.

Turns out that Blake is planning to visit them by the next weekend. I ask her if I can come as well and surprise Blake. She worries that we will just argue there and she doesn't want Blake to know that she invited me there. I promised her that I am not going to stir any conflicts while I am there. I just want to check on Blake cause I badly miss her.

Friday comes and I am still not prepared for my trip. I am scared, I am confused, I am worried, I am excited to see her though...

I reach their house after commuting for two hours by bus. Mrs. Sinclair welcomed me in and told me that Blake is in the shower. She just arrived a few minutes ago. Mr. Sinclair entertained me in the family room with stories of work and history.

Blake emerges from the shower too surprised to see me. She gapes at me like I am just an illusion. When she's sure that I am real, she grimaces. Maybe she expects me to rant on her and to ask her a lot of questions but it is not the purpose I am here. I wanted to start anew and I am ready to forget about her shortcomings and our issues.

She walks straight into her old bedroom and I look at Mr. Sinclair for permission to follow. He nods in approval and grunts preparing for the onslaught.

I follow Blake into her slightly opened bedroom door. She looks at me like I am a trespasser and I have done something really bad. I weakly say 'hi' but stays by the door, too scared that she will reprimand.

She sits by the edge of her bed and does not say anything back. Her back into mine as she dries her hair staring at the yard on her window view.

I slowly creep to her side and carefully seated myself beside her. I clear my throat and is about to ask how she has been when she starts to talk cutting me.

"Why do you have to go here? I told you I am going home weekends, you don't have to bother yourself travelling two hours just to go here. I keep silent unsure of what I should say and thinking what I have done wrong. I promised her sister I will stay clear of issues. So instead of answering her, I continue what I intended to say before she cut me.

"So how are you?" I start.

"Tired." She answers in a rude uninterested way. I brush it off and proceed.

"Would you like some massage so you can rest?" I ask again.

She lies on her bed on her chest so I can start the massage I have learned a few years ago because she always wanted it. I start to lift her shirt and expose her bare back. I stand to reach for a powder. I put some on my hands and on her back down to her middle back. I knead first her shoulders going to the center. I feel her tensed muscles and grind them to release the strains. I imagine that what I am doing to her back is what I am doing to my heart. I have so many strains that I am afraid to open up to her.

I am afraid she might misunderstand them and think of me as weak. I circle on the bones of her back pressing and touching and kneading. If only I can massage the veins of my heart, maybe the pains would go away. I hear her steady breathing, a sign that she is already asleep. I continue to massage her back, her arms, her thighs, her legs, her feet until I can hear her softly snoring.

An hour passed since I started and I become weary. I lie beside her and started talking to the sleeping Blake while her soft breathing, I imagine as her replies.

Pulling Pieces (girlxgirl) Book 1 Puzzle PiecesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz