Chapter 12

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We are now officially dating. I text Tia while I munch on the pancakes in Blake's crib. Blake is currently on the phone with her other girlfriend. She is now asking her when she is returning here in the city since she went to her parent's house in another state.

She really is pacing up after we made it official. Of course she didn't tell her other girl about it yet. She will tell her once she's back here.

Since Dianne wouldn't be back till the next weekend, and Amy already said you are free to stay here tonight, and since school is not so far of a drive from here, do you mind staying with me till Friday next week?" She says with a sweet smile forming. I know it's another favor. I must make sure this time we are not going too fast.

"Okay but I have to get some things at the dorm. I don't have my things here you see. I didn't bring my toothbrush with me." I say as I gulp on a glass of water.

WHO IS WE? Tia texts back.

"Okay, I'll drive you there then drive for the nearby restaurant for our dinner. Stir fry sounds good to you? Sorry I'm not really good in cooking." she apologizes.

"Sure. Anything will do just don't starve us to death." I am still not hungry after all the pancakes that Amy asked me to bring.

Blake and I. It's going to be a long story but hold your horses. I also want you to contain your excitement or your anger if ever, after you hear it all. I will try to tell you everything tomorrow. Pray for me. I type and hit send.

YOUR ARE REALLY GOING TO TELL ME ALL OF THIS LANA VALENTINE. I can almost imagine how angry she is while typing away those words to tell me I have already went overboard by not telling her everything real time. It has only been a few hours so real time is not the deal after all.

We leave Blake's after she grabbed her car keys. On the way to the dorm, Blake continues to whistle a tune. I'm not familiar with it but it is a happy tune. She's happy. If I am the cause of this happiness, I can just forget the fact that what we have is an affair and I am the third party.

Remembering about it, I can literally feel my heart tearing into little tiny pieces. I hope it will stop because if not, then I might not have the heart to come back to Blake's apartment later.

I smile despite the facts. I smile because I'm with Blake. This is indeed foolish love. It can also be stupid love or dumb love. Looking from the outside I will be cursing my decisions and telling myself that this is wrong. I may come out of this as the loser in the end.

Coming from the inside, I'm breaking down but I am happy. I have never been so happier in my life that I can still smile and appreciate the view, the traffic and the tune that Blake whistles. How am I going to convince myself to get out of this mess when I'm loving it? This is ironic. Don't you think?

Having these thoughts, I am bothered when I suddenly cannot hear Blake whistling anymore. I look at her and she is smiling at me. She stopped driving and the car is already parked which I didn't notice.

I smile back at her feeling embarrassed of my day dreaming.

"I'll be back after thirty minutes. Will that be enough sweetheart?" She smiles again and I feel faint all of a sudden. If I am an ice cream, I surely have melted right there in my seat.

"Yeah. I think it's enough. I can also take a short nap." That is if I can still sleep. Day dreaming isn't enough in the day.

She opens the car door for me, of course. "Okay then, see you later. I'll miss you."

My knees seem to buckle up with that. I just smile sweetly scared that my words may fail me.

"I'll miss you too Blake. Be sure to be back in thirty. I may oversleep." I tiptoed to kiss her cheek. Don't judge me, this is my first kiss in a relationship, a proper one in this case.

Pulling Pieces (girlxgirl) Book 1 Puzzle PiecesWhere stories live. Discover now