Chapter 11

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"Lana, wake up. You have a visitor." Amy knocks on the door. I don't know how long she had been knocking on my door since it's so hard to wake up with the drinks I had last night.

I doubt if its Tia. Tia will just enter the house and go straight for my room. No knocking. How did we ever come to this setup anyways?

"Coming!" I shout a forced answer so Amy would stop banging on my bedroom door.

Saturday is my lazy day. If Bruno Mars wants to go lazy any time of the week, then I cannot afford that. Saturdays are MY Saturdays.

I go for the bathroom and brush my teeth. I didn't care to brush my hair for I am still really sleepy. Who even cares if I have bedroom hair? I AM from sleep.

I can hear voices in the living room. Looks like whoever it is must be having a great time with Amy. Must be my mom? Not her voice. I contemplate as I slowly brush my teeth. This is a nightmare for having to wake up at this time. Wait a sec, what time is it?

I finish brushing immediately and went straight to the living room. I shouldn't have done that. In my living room sits no other than Blake.

Perfect. Me? I'm like a soiled shirt fresh from the laundry basket.

My hand goes straight for my hair just to give it a little integrity and pulls it on one side to tame it.

"Hi." I almost swallow my tongue in embarrassment.

"Blake is here to pick you up, she says you volunteered to go with her today to buy some stuff for her new apartment." Amy says with all smiles. They really must be having a good conversation which I just ruined.

I am not sure I got that correctly. I'm distracted and very aware of my conscious self I can't get it all together.

"So, why aren't you still dressed up?" Amy asks the smile fading from her face and her tone with a hint of the "strict aunt" she insists that she should have.

"Do I really have to go?" I plead. I cannot promise to behave with Blake. She is just the biggest temptation I've ever known. I already lied last night. I don't want to commit again to more sins especially with Blake. Now where did my brain go?

"Lana, you volunteered yourself and now you don't want to go?" Amy says incredulously and turns to Blake. "If she doesn't want to, I can help you if you want." Now that is a first. I stab stared at Blake, if that is even possible.

She smiles at Amy and turns to me, "that would be lovely Amy, though Lana already volunteered and I think it would be right if she would just do what she says. Maybe we can schedule next time wherein we can just have dinner and not tire ourselves looking for furniture eh?"

She can twist everybody's mind but not mine. I'm proud I still have a barrier.

"Right. Now go ahead and fix yourself. Take a bath and wear something comfy." Amy shooed me as they continue with their conversation. Meanwhile, as I take a bath, I can hear Amy preparing something in the kitchen. Must be some snacks for the "guest".

This time, I am not wearing a dress. It easily comes off. So I'm making myself presentable with a white shirt and a pair of pants. No tempting ideas of course. No bare skin and what not. I just pull my hair into a ponytail and dab my lips with some red gloss.

I pulled my wallet from my school bag, my phone and a pack of mints.

As I enter the living room, Amy and Blake is just finishing the snacks.

"Bring some pancakes with you and eat them on the way to the mall. I don't want you getting hungry when you need so much energy." She says as she gathers the plates from the coffee table and brings them to the kitchen.

Pulling Pieces (girlxgirl) Book 1 Puzzle PiecesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora