Vampire Movie Date Night

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The sound of a phone ringing woke me up and I realised it was mine, Abbot was sitting on my bed holding it.

'I found your phone down in my cellar so I charged it and guess who I sent a message to' and he laughed. I hung my head and started to cry, Abbot continued to laugh at me, 'don't you want to know what I said to him'. I looked up at him and made direct eye contact, 'leave him alone you fucking paranoid psycho.' I knew this would anger him but I did not care I did not want him to get to Chester.

'Finally you bite back,' and he answered the phone, 'Teia's phone', he said sarcastically, he then looked at me put his hand over the receiver and whispered, 'he wants to know if you are OK, he wants to hear your voice,' and he moved forward and slapped me so hard on the face I cried out in pain.

Abbot smiled at this and then said down the phone, 'there you heard her but oh, look Chet, I made her bleed' and Abbot leaned forward wiped the blood that had started to run from my nose with his thumb and then sucked it. 'Aww You don't sound too impressed but you said you wanted to hear her voice, Chester, and you did, now if you ever want to see her again you will do what I say.'

Abbot looked at me still holding the phone, listening to what Chester was saying and raised his eye brows, 'Firery isn't he, breaking him is going to be fun,' he threw the phone at me and I just looked back at him, 'Well pick it up idiot, he said if he can speak to you he will come quietly. But watch what you say.'

I picked up the phone and said, 'Hello'

'Do you know where you are,'


'Don't worry and try to stay calm. I am coming to get you,'

'Don't it's a trap, he wants to keep you and..............................' Abbot snatched the phone from my hand and grabbed me hard by my neck and I started to choke. 'you are going to pay for that,' and he started to drag me down the stairs towards the cellar, he still held the phone and I could hear Chester shouting. He threw me inside with such force that my head hit the wall and I immediately passed out.

When I came around I was back upstairs on my bed, I could smell cigarettes and I knew Abbot was in the room. He began to speak, 'Chester is quite a clever piece of work isn't he. He told me half of what I wanted to know to guarantee I treat you well, until we meet. Then he is going to tell me the rest. I don't think taking him is going to be quite as easy as I'd thought'

Then as quick as a flash he was next to me, he bit his wrist and put it on my mouth, 'We need to heal your wounds and get your strength up, what the book did not tell you is I am a man of my word. I will treat you well, that is until I get him here and then we will get back to normal,' I tried to fight him, I did not want to drink his blood, Chester had warned it was addictive but the second his wrist touched my lips I tasted it and I was hooked and I drank from him until he stopped me.

'Now, you will never want to leave me, you will now crave me if you don't regularly feed from me, go and clean yourself up,  you look like shit.' He got up and left me sitting there. But I now instantly felt better I walked into the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I looked like me. I had no bruising and no bite marks. Abbot's blood had healed all the damage he had made to my body and I looked like I had not been touched apart from a few scars from bites that had previously healed.

'Teia', Abbot shouted and I sighed, I honestly did not know how much more of this I could take I now detested the sound of his voice and I hated how he said my name. I walked into the lounge and he patted the space next to him on the sofa, even though I did not want to I sat down next to him. 'When Chester gets here I am going to let you live together, think of all the children you will give me. I will be able to drink chosen blood forever now.'

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