Hunter or Hunted

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A/N As you can see reader Omega Rose is in quite the spot. Just for clarification though I don't own RWBY only Omega Rose so far as OC's go.

Omega watched as the beowolves corpses disolved as all creatures of Grimm do. His sense of smell caught the scent of Cinder Fall. He picked up his weapon that sat on a nearby tree. He dusted off the Sakura petals that gathered on the blade.

Omega ran through the woods. Often runnning into other creatures of Grimm as his hatred and negative feelings caused them to gather. Dispatching creatures of Grimm was a Hunter and Huntress's job so killing them was all to easy on the way to finding Cinder. 

Omega entered a clearing where he thought he would find her based off the scent. however all he found was a broken bottle of perfume that was a custom mix. Angered Omega throw the bottle against a tree and was starting to walk away. When he hears a shot ring out and he dodges to the side.

He is staring at a Faunus. She wore a black bow to hide her ears but that would not fool a Hunter and she also wore a black and white dress and had cat eyes that gave away the fact that she was a Cat faunus.

"Why are you here Cat?" Omega spat the word out as his anger still got the better of him from being fooled by Cinder.

"I am here for you Mr. Rose." She had a frown on her face and she stepped forward. 

Omega sighed as he though this girl was a Huntress coming after his bounty which he had recieved thanks to his uncle a month prior. 500 million dollar bounty was on his head. No matter what his excuse was he would be hunted the rest of his life unless he found the proof he needed to be able to come back without being dead or a prisoner.

"So you are after my bounty?" Omega said getting into a defensive stance and bringing Blood rose to hide his head.

"No... I am not. Thier are two girls who want to meet you over in the next clearing." The cat Faunus told him and started to walk away leading him toward them.

"Whats your name sweetheart?" Omega stopped with a smirk.

"My name is Blake. Blake Belladona." Blake said and grabbed his hand and brought him into the clearing that was surrounded by a swamp. Walking forward Omega saw a girl in a black dress and a red hood. Omega ran forward.

"Ruby is that you sister?" Omega started to cry as tears streamed the girl turned around and was his younger sister. Ruby grabbed Omega into a hug and wiped his tears.

"Big Bro why did you kill that girl?" Ruby asked reaching for Crescent Rose her weapon of a all purpose scythe and sniper rifle combined.

"I didn't know. I was given a job by that women and she tricked me. I didn't know what she was." Omega sat down and set Blood Rose into the ground.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I am trying to become a better writer so any input you all have is appreciated.

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