Blood Roses, Beginning of a bloody war.

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Yang's POV

Running as fast as I could alongside Blake to Ruby's room in the infirmary seemed to have time itself fighting against us.

The walk from Team RWBY's room to the infirmary was 5 minutes so why did a full on sprint take so long. It seemed like days had passed since the scroll call Ozpin had told us about Omega being proven innocent. Opening the door to room was easier said than done.

For some reason a metallic smell filled the air. Iron filled the air with only one possibility. Blood . A huge puddle was in the middle with what seemed to be a body imprinted in the middle of the blood pool. However we were to late Omega was gone.

"Damn it!" I yell tears pouring down my face. Feeling the warm of arms wrapped around me I felt Blake's soft bow that covered her ears. She had tears streamed down her face as she was no doubt blaming herself. To be remembered by him only for this stuff to happen to Omega is torture to her.

I cannot forget that the ones that love him that aren't family tend to suffer more than family at times. It happened to me with one of Omega's ex best friends.  

"Blake we will get him back. I know he is not dead. Look closely into the blood puddle." I say this words were written in his own blood.


Omega's POV

I have to get the message to them. I don't know what she will do to me to make me her pawn or where. The only thing I hope is that they can follow my scent. Otherwise I am doomed. Writing a message in the blood pile without her noticing was hard but not impossible. I only had to move my fingers to write it but one false move would give it away.

I am sorry, Ruby, Yang, and Blake. I am dying. I can feel that but I believe Cinder will keep me alive long enough to try to make me into a pawn of hers. In order to prevent this I am going to bleed myself to allow all of you to be able to find me. Every minute you guys don't find me can spell disaster. I for some reason inherited the Winter maiden's power. 

If I fall to darkness it will freeze me and anything within a hundred miles. Creating a permanent winter. This includes Beacon. I can assume she knows this fact so she will have me within that mile range. I am sorry to place this on only you two since Ruby is in comatose. But only you can find me before it's too late.

Signed with love and Extreme pain

The last rose of Summer.

Omega Rose.

A/N I am starting to actually feel better. Sinus pain is starting to go away. And all will be right with me to be able to write at least 2 thousand word chapters again. But anyway please as always I hope you enjoyed the story.

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