Madness to Darkness

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I haven't felt so alive in years, the breeze flowing through my hair as I slaughter Hunters and Huntresses. Deep red mists surrounds me making the light seem a deep crimson. All the while cackling as the power within me, I commanded to freeze.

Enveloping Beacon in a steady storm of frost. Attempting to bare the exits of all students and staff alike. The air was starting to freeze around me forming giant spires of crystalline ice. Sending them into the nearby libraries door gave me great pleasure.

"Omega... How could you?" The voice of the one and only loved one that wasn't family spoke with disappointment and shame.

"Well how could you let Oz, Do what he did to Ruby? I will no longer let my family get hurt Blake. Even if it is by you. I am sorry." I spoke with disdain to everyone including myself. Hatred had finally won its way into my heart.


Blake's POV

Raining as Omega spoke those dreadful words as all my hopes of a life with him came to a end. I know it would end just like Adam. How could I be so stupid.

The rain froze around Omega with force as the power concentrated around him. Bluish light filled the air as he launched a major ice attack at me. Where did he get all this power?

Launching myself to the side with Gamble shroud was easy but trying to get in to attack him not so much.

Leaping with ease onto the hard wooden roof of the Library, I would try a sneak attack.

"Running away Kitten, Oh I am sorry you might not want me calling you that since I refuse to be everyone's punching bag. To make myself what I should be a avenger to those who hurt what I care about. You were once on that list Blake until you betrayed me." Omega spat the words like daggers flinging them into my very heart.

"You Bastard!" Yelling as I leap at him from the roof with ease failing to notice Omega's smile as I did. He had tricked me. Flinging Blood Rose with his wrist he slashed through the ribbon that allowed me to dodge with Gamble shroud.

Falling right into his grasp I felt the intense pain build as he had grabbed me by my neck. He looked at me with ease filled with absolute madness. The blue that were once there turned into a pure scarlet. He was no longer the man I loved anymore.

He looked toward Gamble shroud and took it from my hands. Losing the familiar weight in my hands was devastating but what was worse was what he did next. Grabbing the ends of the weapons he tossed them over the edge of Beacon. Leaving me defenseless as I watched him with terror until I blacked out.

A/N I hope you enjoyed his descent into madness. There are only 3 more chapters in the series guys. The last three I will try to have up within days of each other. 

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