Burning Roses. Is this the end?

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Omega's POV

Thank the maidens. I got her away from the bed. The battered face of my sister would be the end of you Cinder.  Smiling a terrible smile she started to fire a part of her semblance to blow Ruby and the bed apart in seconds. Grabbing her and sustaining a lot of damage.

I felt my arms go limp. My semblance only works when my soul has the power to supply its energy safely but I haven't gotten any sleep so my soul was trying to keep my body from dying. The only reason why I was able to save Ruby was because of my jacket that she was still wearing.

I had imbued it with a part of my semblance for just a occasion however I never expected that counter measure to have to be used. With my last bit of strength before I fell to the floor I flung Ruby into Ozpin hands.

"Run Oz!" I yell between gasps of air. He seemed to get the gist. That if she died I would be unable to keep the power I received when I killed the Winter maiden at bay. That power was threatening to seal me in ice had I ever lost myself to darkness. 

I don't think I will ever understand why but I believe the Winter maiden knew that I was tricked into killing her. That if she didn't give me most of her power that I would lose myself to darkness. The power still however doesn't belong to me. The power will need to be given to Weiss Schnee the inheritor of this mighty power.

"Cin...der. I believe it is time we ended this." I say between coughing up blood and gasping for air. I knew if I didn't get help from anyone soon I would die just like Geno. It is too bad I didn't have a scroll.


Ozpin's POV 

"Blake the fact of the matter is if you don't get to the room where Ruby was in her comatose state Omega will die." yelling into the scroll it seemed a argument was going down where she was.

"But.... Omega.. Should be in that prison cell" A voice yelled through the static.

"Yang I released him he was proven innocent today with Geno's death in the forest of Forever fall. Now go help your brother before he dies." I hear the scroll click off. Damnit no signal.

I had been running toward the safety of the tower of Beacon where I believe I had a way to save Ruby from this coma. The reason it wasn't used is because if she woke up naturally she would have no hopes of a normal life. This procedure would infuse her soul with that of the now fallen Summer her mother. 

Summer was killed in action not by the White fang but by Cinder. She had been the maiden of Summer. It would change the family's life forever seeing that we had preserved Summer's soul for a time like this. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

A/N I just revealed something vital to upcoming chapters. And Yes there are not many chapter left in this Story. Don't worry though there will be a sequel to the story. Just will Omega die in the next chapter. Tune in to see.

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