Brother's Sacrifice or Sister's death?

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Cinder's POV

All of it is going accourding to plan. Soon very soon I will have another valuable pawn to be able to destroy the foundations of this so called peace. So tell me Omega will you cast aside the "hero" act? Or will you be a pawn for the remander of your days.

 I will await this answer in due time. Patience is a virtue as they say.


Omega's POV

Ozpin had arrived in a matter of hours. I had Blake place the handcuffs on me and lead me to Ozpin and allowed them to take Blood Rose off of me, my one lifeline left to my deceased mother besided Ruby who was currently getting the best medical help Beacon could provide. I was giving to Ozpin and his face was grim. "I am disappointed in you." That was all he could say to me as he lead me into the awaiting Airship and brought me to Beacon where I was placed into a cell.

 Days pass before I was able to have visitors. Yang was the first to visit me and was actually crying to see her brother behind bars that she believed would never happen.

But even with lost memories, I still am holding myself responsable. I told Ozpin on the airship that Cinder was still alive and Ozpin didn't believe me and even with Yang's testimony saying a women matching her description attacked me, he believed I had attacked my own sister and bleed Ruby almost to death. So I am charged with two things. Murder and attempted murder. Yang says Ruby hasn't come around since she had arrived at the infirmiry in Beacon. All of this is my fault. Ozpin comes and tells Yang her time is up and that she must go back to her room.

"Omega you have one more visiter. A Geno Nightwrath is here to see you." Ozpin turns on his heel and leaves as a tall young man with black hair with white highlights at the bottom of it as well as purple eyes came into the room where his favorite clothes. A Purple shirt that has a emblem of a piece of Nightshade inside of a DNA helix as well as grey pants that came to rest on his grey shoes. I was stunned to see a kid that I had not seen in years. A kid who I was guardian too until my time at Beacon came to a close.

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the Next one as it will be better and more exciting than this one.

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