Chapter 2

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Stormstar's POV:

His den was cold.

Stormstar shivered and fluffed up his fur against the cold draft that blew into his den. The breeze brought in the calming smells of Lightclan's forest along with a salty tang of the sea.

He didn't dare close his eyes, no matter how much he wanted to. He had managed to stay awake all night and morning. It was nearing sunhigh and his whole body screamed for sleep, but he didn't give in. He wondered how long he could last without sleep. Perhaps when he tired himself out completely and his body forced him to sleep, he could somehow sleep through NoName's nightmares as well.


His ice blue gaze darted up to the cat who had entered his den unnoticed. Nutwhisker. The brown tom dipped his head in greeting and waited for Stormstar to let him speak. Stormstar waved a paw at the medicine cat. "Go ahead." He whispered, his voice croaky from lack of use.

"I came to give you some herbs that I think might help you." Nutwhisker revealed a small leaf bundle that he had placed down by the den entrance and pawed it to Stormstar.

Stormstar looked at the bundle and then back at Nutwhisker. "What are they?"

"For now, I'm just going to try giving you a strong dose of poppy seeds. There's a chance it will put you in a deep enough sleep that NoName can't reach you." Nutwhisker unwrapped the bundle and held out four little poppy seeds.

Stormstar stared at the little black seeds. If what Nutwhisker claimed was true, then eating poppy seeds would be easier than staying awake for as long as possible. Without another thought, Stormstar licked up the seeds from Nutwhisker's paw.

Nutwhisker watched Stormstar as the black tom already began to feel the effects of the herbs. His eyes were forced shut, his whole body slumping. He barely had time to utter a goodbye to Nutwhisker as he left the den before he was plunged into a deep, deep sleep.


Stormstar slept soundly for the entirety of his rest. He dreamt of nothing; his mind was blank. He was grateful for it. It was the first proper sleep he'd had in moons.

When he awoke, Stormstar felt refreshed and alert. His mind was buzzing with life again. He had a sudden urge to go outside and stretch his legs but his thoughts grinded to a halt when he saw a pair of narrowed white eyes watching him from a dark corner of his den.

"Feeling better now, I see." Her voice made shivers run down his spine and he growled. "Don't get your hopes up, Stormstar. I still have my claws on you."

Slithering from the darkness came the unforgettable black shadows. They headed straight for Stormstar. He shot to his paws, stumbling when his muscles screamed from the sudden movement, and backed away. Everywhere he moved, the shadows snaked closer. It wasn't until the inky darkness covered the entire den floor that Stormstar gave up fighting and he let himself be taken into a hallucination.


Flamefur's POV:

Flamefur breathed in the forest scents, sighing in content. She had snuck out of camp for a walk in the forest, heading out in the general direction of the Ravenclan border.

The flame coloured she cat padded along the worn pathway that the patrols took. Her pawsteps were achingly slow due to the sheer size of her belly. Kits. She let out a faint scoff. She felt completely useless as a queen. She couldn't hunt or fight for her clan; all she could do was wander around camp and do nothing.

There was a rustle in the trees above her head and she looked up to see a white furred tom sitting lazily on a branch, looking down at her. Flamefur immediately felt her fur bristle and she took a few steps back. "Who-"

The tom interrupted her by lifting a paw, his blue eyes watching her. "My name is not needed." Before she could ask what he was up to, he added. "And my intentions aren't important either."

"You are in Lightclan territory, rogue!" She growled. "And if you don't leave now I will attack you."

"I hardly think you are physically able to attack me right now." She saw his gaze travel to her swollen belly and she bared her teeth.

"Kits won't stop me from tearing that arrogant grin off your face!" Flamefur snarled, unsheathing her claws.

"Go ahead then, try." He stayed perfectly still atop his branch, looking down at her with a small smirk on his lips.

Flamefur stalked towards the tree and glared up at him, preparing to launch herself up the bark and teach the rogue a lesson but a sudden, sharp pain erupted in her belly. She hissed, falling into a crouch.

"See?" His voice chuckled above her. "There is no way you can attack me in that state."

Flamefur felt a ripple inside of her and the pain grew worse. "Shut up!" She gasped and lowered her head to the ground, her muzzle pushing against the soil.

There was a pause before the tom was beside her. She tensed up, wondering what he was going to do. Will he take advantage of my weakened state and kill me? Flamefur sucked in a breath as a ripple of pain passed through her again. Then she felt dread fill her as she tasted the scent of the tom beside her. He's from the Dark Forest! Flamefur tried to move away from the white tom but ended up falling on her side, her sides heaving.

The tom was staring down at her, his amused grin no longer on his lips. "Are your kits seriously on their way right now?"

"I-I think so." Flamefur hissed.

He watched her with narrowed eyes and murmured to himself. "If I blinked you back to your camp now, there's a chance that would injure you... But..." His blue eyes lit up as he got an idea and he suddenly disappeared from view.

Flamefur gritted her teeth in anger as the pain faded enough for her to growl. "Mouse-brained kits."


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