Chapter 3

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Silvershy's POV:

The warm flesh of her freshly-caught rabbit filled Silvershy's senses as she took a bite from her prey. Dawnheart sat nearby, eating a mouse as she told the kits a story.

"-And just as Silvershy was about to be made an apprentice, Magiclan and Monsterclan attacked!" There were a few squeals of fright from the kits as Dawnheart told the tale of Lightclan's exile.

"Is that true Silvershy?" Wolfkit gasped, turning to look at her.

Silvershy swallowed her mouthful and nodded. "Yes, that's what happened." The four kits let out a collective gasp of awe and the tumbled closer to her.

"Did you tear Magiclan and Monsterclan apart?" Goldkit asked, her eyes wide.

Silvershy let out a quiet chuckle and replied. "I was still a kit, I couldn't fight. Though I bet Dawnheart can tell you how she beat some Magiclan hide."

The kits obediently left Silvershy and trotted back to Dawnheart. The elderly she cat laughed as the kits demanded for her to tell them what she did in the battle. "Well..."

Silvershy blocked out Dawnheart's voice and concentrated on eating. She had barely taken two bites when someone came up behind her and she turned to see Shinewing. The golden medicine cat beckoned Silvershy to follow her. "Nutwhisker is asking for you."

The silver she cat sighed and climbed to her paws, leaving the half-eaten rabbit for someone else to eat. "What could Nutwhisker want with me?"

"I don't know, but it seems urgent." Shinewing replied as they padded into the medicine cave. A new roof had been built to cover up the gaping hole left by the cave-in. Silvershy blinked her eyes as they adjusted to the darkness of the cave and she spotted Nutwhisker sitting in the centre of the den, his bright green eyes narrowed.

When he saw them, Nutwhisker raised his head and meowed. "Silvershy, I have a question for you."

Silvershy tilted her head to the side. "What is it?"

"Your powers, do you still have them?" The medicine cat asked, taking a step closer to her.

Silvershy looked down at her paws thoughtfully. She hadn't used her powers in so long, she didn't know anymore. And why is Nutwhisker suddenly so interested? She raised her striped head to meet Nutwhisker's gaze and opened her jaws to say that she didn't, but then she saw an emotion dancing in the brown tom's eyes that made her pause. Desperation.

Nutwhisker stared at her intently. "Do you?"

Silvershy tapped a forepaw on the rocky ground. "I think so.."

"Good." He nodded, sitting down again. "Because I would like to help you harness your powers."

"Why?" She asked and glanced at Shinewing, who shrugged.

Nutwhisker blinked in surprise, as if the answer was obvious. "If you learn how to control your powers, it would mean we have the advantage in battles."

Silvershy felt the tip of her tail twitch in irritation and she snapped back at him. "I'm not going to run around and kill cats. It's against the warrior code." She was shocked that a medicine cat- who was supposed to be calm and peaceful- was asking her to use her powers as an unfair advantage in battle.

Nutwhisker shook his head. "You won't have to kill anyone." After she sent him a confused glare, he explained. "I've been thinking about it for a while, and I'd like to see how your powers actually work."

"So you'd like me to demonstrate on someone?" Silvershy growled. "How about I try it on you?"

Nutwhisker shuffled backwards. "No thank you. We'll start with prey first."

"When?" Silvershy asked, sighing.

"Right now."


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