Chapter 23

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Silvershy's POV:

There had been no signs of the white tom she had burned as the battle raged on. Silvershy barely noticed anyway; she was too busy fighting off rogue after rogue. She had given up on her powers after realising that she was draining too much energy and turned instead to her plain old fighting moves.

Just as she sent a little she cat running out of camp, she spotted Stormstar pinned underneath Rabbitstar. The black tom kicked and struggled against the Magiclan leader, hissing and spitting in fury. Silvershy darted to help her leader, skimming past the writhing mass of cats and launching herself straight at Rabbitstar.

She forced all of her energy into her right paw and felt the familiar crackle of electricity shoot down her leg, waiting impatiently at her pawpads. Her paw slammed into the space between Rabbitstar's shoulder blades and the Magiclan leader jolted before going limp.

Over the roars of the battle, Stormstar gasped. "Is he dead?" The black tom pushed Rabbitstar off, letting the brown tabby flop on the sandy ground beside him.

"Was he on his last life?" Silvershy asked, watching Rabbitstar anxiously. Her whole body was tensed and ready incase the Magiclan leader woke up.

Stormstar opened his jaws to reply but there was a battle screech behind them and Silvershy was knocked face first into the ground, a heavy weight crashing down on her. She twisted her head and looked up to see a black tom with brown paws pinning her down, the blue bowtie around his neck stained dark red with the blood of his previous opponents.

His teeth sank into her scruff, his claws picking her sides. Stormstar hissed and lunged for him, but Flare appeared and pinned him down. Silvershy noticed the orange she cat's wing was bleeding, the feathers burned in one spot.

The tom dug his claws deep into Silvershy's sides and she hissed in pain, paws scrabbling at the ground to escape his grip. Suddenly the weight was lifted off of her and she glanced around to see Metalclaw swiping mercilessly at the black tom, pushing him back until he tripped and fell beneath the large grey tom.

Metalclaw tore at the black tom's exposed belly, blood pooling around them. "I'm going to kill you!" He snarled viciously.

Silvershy heard a low hiss from Stormstar and turned around to see Flare slice opem his chest before charging at Metalclaw. Silvershy jumped to help but she wasn't fast enough. Flare pinned Metalclaw down with ease and immediately dug her teeth into his neck. The grey tom let out a loud yowl, eyes wide. Flare lifted her head away from his neck a heartbeat later, jaws dripping with Metalclaw's blood.

The black tom climbed slowly to his paws. "Kill him." He snarled. Flare dipped her head and her teeth returned to Metalclaw's neck. Silvershy yowled and charged at Flare but the black tom stood in the way, lips curled in a low snarl. "One more step and you're crowfood!"

Silvershy looked over the tom's shoulder to look at Metalclaw as his struggles began fading, his ears and tail drooping as the life bled out of him. "No!" She snarled and lashed out at the black tom, who ducked and pushed her back so that she fell.

Silvershy watched helplessly as Metalclaw took his final breath. What will happen to Flamefur when she finds out? She wondered, eyes wide as Flare lifted her head and began stalking towards her. She slowly backed away, glancing back to see Rabbitstar was stirring. This is not going well...


Stormstar's POV:

Stormstar coughed and wheezed as dark crimson blood poured from his chest wound. His breath was shallow, his heart pounding erratically in his chest. He heard a groan beside him and looked up, wincing, to see Rabbitstar lift his head sluggishly. Mouse-dung! He has more lives left!

The Magiclan leader growled at Stormstar. "You will die at my claws, even if it kills me as well." His voice was raspy but still filled with the same hatred and anger that was always there. "Lightclan will pay!"

"What did we ever do to you?" Stormstar hissed, struggling to sit up and face the brown tabby.

"You didn't do anything, it's all Skystar's fault!" Rabbitstar snarled, green eyes narrowed to slits.

"Then what did she ever do to you?" Stormstar lashed his tail. What was Rabbitstar on about?

"It doesn't matter, I'm fulfilling my promise either way! I will make her precious Lightclan pay!" Rabbitstar let out a battle screech and charged at Stormstar.

Stormstar darted sideways, fighting to stay on his paws. His body felt heavy and sluggish from all the blood loss, his head was spinning and his gaze was blurry. Rabbitstar lunged again, catching Stormstar's cheek with his claws. The black tom staggered from the blow, more blood spraying on the slick, red stained ground.

Rabbitstar lunged a third time, darting underneath Stormstar and knocking the Lightclan leader off his paws. He crashed to the ground, hissing as the pain in his chest spiked. Rabbitstar was on him in an instant, snarling and spitting in fury as he tore through Stormstar's flesh.

Stormstar feebly fought back, his movements steadily growing weaker and weaker as more blood ran from his wounds. But just as he was ready to give up, Stormstar suddenly had an idea.

"You're dead." Stormstar managed to choke out, blood leaking from the side of his mouth.

Rabbitstar simply snorted a laugh. "No, you're the one who's dead."

"We both are." And without another word, the ground around them caught fire, the bright burning inferno quickly engulfing them. As the flames quickly began burning away the leaders' skin and flesh, Stormstar grinned at his enemy's agonised shrieks.


Been waiting since the beginning of this series for this moment. Rest in Pineapples, Rabbitbutt.


I need ideas Lightclan Shorts, so if you have any please tell me.

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