Chapter 22

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Stormstar's POV:

Stormstar's breath was shards of ice in his lungs; he was so exhausted. Every breath he took made the pain worse. He even contemplated he stopped breathing, but didn't when he realised that that wouldn't help at all.

Rabbitstar was barely out of breath, prancing happily around Stormstar as he wildly tried to burn the smug Magiclan leader to ashes. The light furred rogue had disappeared to fight someone else, having grown bored of nipping at Stormstar.

"Stand still!" Stormstar snarled as a burst of orange flames flew to the spot Rabbitstar had just been only a moment ago.

"Why don't you stop using your fire powers, then we can do a proper battle." Rabbitstar taunted. "Or are you too scared that I'll beat you in a real fight?" He skipped out of the way as Stormstar threw a fire ball at him.

Stormstar chose not to waste anymore valuable energy in arguing with Rabbitstar and crouched down from where he stood near his den. Rabbitstar took that as a sign of giving up and lunged for him. Stormstar hissed and rolled out of the way, his hind legs kicking out to hit Rabbitstar but the brown tom narrowly dodged his blow and rounded on him.

"Finally ready for a real battle?" Rabbitstar sneered, stalking closer to Stormstar.

Small flames licked at Stormstar's paws as he panted. "Not yet!" He launched himself at the Magiclan leader, his left forepaw landing a hard blow on Rabbitstar's head. The fire singed the other tom's fur and Stormstar's claws caused deep slices on his forehead.

Rabbitstar snarled and shook his head irritably. "Coward! Hiding behind your fire! That's all you Lightclan cats ever do! You hide!" The brown tabby lunged forwards, claws scoring across Stormstar's chest and forcing him to stumble backwards. "You run from your troubles!" His next blow came fast; so fast that Stormstar didn't have time to dodge as Rabbitstar's claws came flying down to meet his muzzle. "I will wipe you from your miserable existence!" Stormstar lifted a paw to block Rabbistar's third attack, jolting from the impact of his claws slicing through his foreleg. Then Rabbitstar lashed out with his other paw, jabbing Stormstar's chest. The Lightclan leader staggered back and fell.

Rabbitstar pinned Stormstar on his back, teeth glinting in the late evening sunlight as he prepared to dig them into the black tom's neck. Stormstar kicked and flailed his limbs, hopelessly struggling to dislodge the brown tom. As Rabbitstar lunged, Stormstar snapped his head sideways and the Magiclan tom's teeth missed their target. That gave Stormstar another few heartbeats to think of a plan of escape.


Flamefur's POV:

Flamefur ducked as Flare swiped at her, staggering back to dodge her next lightning quick blow. The bright orange she cat lunged for Flamefur relentlessly, her wings spread out on either side of her as she fought. Flamefur tried to fend off the Dark Forest she cat, but it was impossible to keep it up. After only three more swipes, Flare managed to knock Flamefur down with a stroke of her wings. The winged she cat grinned down at Flamefur, her claws digging deep into her chest as Flamefur struggled to flip them over.

"You could've been a great help to my sister, we were going to let you in as a senior Dark Forest warrior.. Too bad you're a traitor." Flare chuckled, her yellow eyes gleaming joyfully as Flamefur gritted her teeth against the pain of her claws slicing down her chest. "I'm going to enjoy killing you."

Flamefur kicked her hind legs against Flare's belly and the Dark Forest she cat dug her claws in further. Blood coated Flamefur's belly as her wounds bled and she started to feel the effects of the blood loss.

"Say hi to Starclan for me." Flare bared her teeth and lunged for her neck. Flamefur cried out as Flare's fangs sank deep into her throat and her struggles kicked up again for one last attempt at escape.

Suddenly a beam of orange light slammed into Flare's outstretched wing and she was flung sideways with a shocked yowl. Through the dizziness, Flamefur could make out a light ginger tom standing a few tail lengths away with one black paw poised above the ground and a pair of glowing orange eyes. He stepped closer to Flamefur and she tried to lift herself up, but ended up falling back down into a pit of darkness.






Warriors: Shadows Incoming ~Series 2 Book 5~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz