Chapter 5

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Stormstar's POV:

A paw tapped his shoulder. Stormstar let out a low growl. "I'm sleeping, leave me alone."

"Stormstar, it's important." Nutwhisker's voice sounded above him. "We need your help."

"With what?" Stormstar shifted slightly, his eyes still tightly closed. What could Nutwhisker possibly want now?

"Silvershy needs help with her powers, and we think you can help." The medicine shook Stormstar's shoulder again and he let out a low growl.

"What powers? Silvershy doesn't have powers." Stormstar swatted away the paw on his shoulder and tucked his muzzle deeper into the moss of his nest. He just wanted to sleep, why couldn't Nutwhisker just leave him alone and stop pestering him?

Silvershy's voice floated towards him from the entrance of the den. "Have you forgotten already? I do have powers."

The memory of Silvershy and Flamefur coming into his den after the battle with Smallclan made him jolt awake and snap his head up. "You still have them?!"

"Yes, and we need your help." Nutwhisker replied, the brown tom's voice tight with impatience. "I think her powers have something to do with fire."

Stormstar's icy gaze travelled from Nutwhisker to Silvershy and then back at Nutwhisker. "Tell me what you know."

"Well," Nutwhisker started, "we just tried her powers out on a mouse and she burned its fur."

"Can you show me how it works?" Stormstar turned to Silvershy.

The silver she cat hung her head slightly. "It's hard to trigger the reaction..."

"How do you usually trigger it?" Stormstar let out a yawn and he had the sudden urge to use his powers to make the dark interior of the den brighter.

"It worked when I mentioned her clan mates dying." Nutwhisker meowed, glancing back at Silvershy.

Stormstar fixed his gaze on Silvershy and murmured. "Do you remember the feeling of your powers when they were triggered? Where did it come from?"

"I-I don't know.." Silvershy shrugged. "It was like... A tingling sensation in my shoulder.. and then zap! It shot down my leg and into the cat- or mouse- my paw was touching."

Stormstar's eyes narrowed and he looked back at Nutwhisker. "That's nothing like mine. It's not fire." Nutwhisker opened his mouth to argue but Stormstar held out a paw, a grin rising on his lips. "That's electricity."


Silvershy's POV:

"Electricity?" Silvershy looked down at her paws. "How do you know?"

"My fire starts in the centre of my chest, warm and gentle. Then it spreads slowly around my entire body, until it reaches my paws, and then flares out." Stormstar explained. "My lightning powers, however, already starts in my paws. It shoots through me with shocking speeds and energy and explodes out in strong bolts."

Silvershy blinked. She hadn't realised Stormstar also had control over lightning. "Can you show me?" She had the sudden need to see his powers for herself.

The black tom seemed excited with this idea and immediately stood up. "Of course." He grinned and trotted to the den exit.

The three cats padded into the empty main clearing. Stormstar was grinning up at the sky, a glint in his eyes that made Silvershy's fur prickle. "Uh.. Stormstar? Is it safe?"

Stormstar didn't look at her as he replied. "Of course it is."

Nutwhisker's tail hooked around Silvershy's hind leg, tugging her further back towards the leader's den. "Careful." The medicine cat warned. "Don't get too close. He hasn't use these powers much."

Silvershy snapped her head back to face Stormstar as there was a rumbling sound above them. The sky had grown dark all of a sudden and there was a flash of lightning in the grey clouds. Stormstar's ice blue eyes seemed brighter in the darkness, glaring up at the sky with determination. One of his paws were raised, and the other was splayed far on his other side.

There was a sudden flash of lightning and Silvershy was blinded for a heartbeat. When her vision cleared, she saw small bolts of electricity dancing erratically around Stormstar's outstretched paw. The black tom turned slightly to look at Silvershy. "Isn't this amazing?!" He yowled, placing his paw down so that the electricity melted into the ground and the sky cleared.

Silvershy was speechless. Did she really have power over electricity? It was such a frightening power... She'd have to learn how to control it otherwise she'd end up hurting every cat around her. A nudge from Nutwhisker brought her out of her thoughts and she looked up to see Stormstar standing before her, a wild look in his eyes. She took a slow step back.

Nutwhisker broke the rigid silence with a flick of his ears. "I now have a theory which might help us understand how to control your powers, Silvershy."


Warriors: Shadows Incoming ~Series 2 Book 5~Where stories live. Discover now