Chapter 14

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Flamefur's POV:

"Are you okay?" Flamefur looked at Telekinesis Cat to see him crouched down and panting.

"I'm.. fine.." He wheezed. "I probably.. shouldn't have... over-used.. my powers like that.. though.." With a heavy sigh, the pure white tom collapsed on his side and proceeded to catch his breath. "Exploding five.. rogues' hearts.. at the same time.. takes energy.."

They had paused just outside the Lightclan border to rest after running from the barn. Flamefur sat down by a thick bramble bush, her heartbeat finally beginning to slow. She had escaped death. All thanks to Telekinesis Cat.

"My name is Zeye.. by the way.." He looked up at her from where he was still flopped on his side and she saw his silent question etched into his expression. Are you going to join me in the Dark Forest now?

She answered with a silent reply of her own. I'm still thinking about it.

He seemed satisfied with her answer and looked back down at the ground, resting his cheek on the ground.

"So.. Zeye.. Thank you for rescuing us." Autumnpool meowed, dipping her head to him.

Zeye sighed slightly, his ears flicking in acknowledgement to the deputy's thanks. The four cats drifted into a calming silence after that.

Stormstar broke the silence by meowing. "Why save us?"

Zeye shifted his head to look at Stormstar. The two blue-eyed toms exchanged looks before Zeye eventually meowed. "I know some of your ancestors." His response was annoyingly vague, but Flamefur let it slide.

Stormstar didn't reply, but it was obvious that the black tom was itching to know more. Zeye didn't show any signs of wanting to continue the conversation, so it was dropped.

It wasn't long before they all stood up and headed back to camp. Zeye didn't cross the border after them, instead he simply blinked away to who-knows-where.


Silvershy's POV:

"I like you Silvershy." Tyler had admitted. NoName's brother liked Silvershy. Her greatest enemy's sibling liked her.

Silvershy was torn. Part of her really believed Tyler- and she had to admit that she didn't exactly hate him.. But the more logical side of her brain told her that Tyler was lying to her to lure her into a trap.

She didn't know what to do. She sat in the darkness of the empty warriors den on her nest, staring at the space before her. Her insides felt like they were being ripped in two; she couldn't decide what part of her she should follow. Trust Tyler or not trust Tyler. She wanted to ask someone for advice, but she couldn't utter a word about this to anyone. Nobody could know- not even Flamefur, despite the flame-coloured she cat being the only one who might help her. Flamefur had a Dark Forest mate, she knew the troubles. But Metalclaw is good and is simply a warrior. Tyler... He's evil and NoName's brother...

NoName could be using Tyler to get to Silvershy. To get her on their side, or to kill her. Plus, NoName had been there when Tyler admitted his 'feelings.' That definitely supported the idea of a trick.


She watched as his whole body seemed to droop and he gave a slight nod of his head before standing up and walking back into the darkness.

Silvershy remembered clearly the look of pure sadness and defeat written across Tyler's face. It looked so real, perhaps he really did have feelings for her.

"I have to see him again." Silvershy mumbled to herself, standing up and rushing out of the den. She walked swiftly out of camp, heading straight into the forest. She veered around camp, heading towards a small clearing near Ravenclan territory- a quiet place to speak to him where no patrols would see or hear them.

Silvershy reached the clearing surprisingly quick, her breath only slightly uneven from the brisk pace. Morning sunlight pooled the area around her, warming her pelt. She stood in the centre of the clearing and stared around the tall oak and aspen trees. "Tyler?" She called out softly. "I need to speak with you."

She got no reply. No rustling in the branches. No flashes of blue and black fur. No beating of wings.

Suddenly, she was knocked to the ground by a heavy force behind her. She gasped and twisted her head around to see gleaming red eyes glaring straight at her, teeth bared in a snarl. Striking red wings spread out on both sides with the claws on them angled to pierce her flesh if she struggled.

"S-Strike!" Silvershy squeaked and began to writhe her legs to escape, stopping short when the sharp tips of the horns on his wings brushed against her shoulders, gliding up to her neck.

"You hurt my brother, and now you're calling for him? I've never seen anyone so pathetic." His voice was low and deadly against her ear tips and she went deathly still. "I should end you now."

Silvershy opened her jaws to beg for him to spare her, but he interrupted her with a sharp hiss. "But first I'm going to hurt you the way you hurt Tyler." Without another word, the weight was lifted from her back and she leapt to her paws, staring around to see that Strike had vanished. What did he mean? She had expected him to hurt her, but he hadn't.

Sighing, Silvershy padded sluggishly back to camp, her black-tipped tail dragging behind her.


Just came up with a major twist about Nutwhisker >:3 It'll be in the bonus chapters.

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