Chapter 13

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Flamefur's POV:

"Bring the prisoners out for the execution!"

Flamefur blinked her amber eyes open to see she was lying in the clearing just outside the barn. Around her stood many, many cats. The scent of Magiclan mixed with rogue sent fear shooting through her pelt.

She gazed up to see Magiclan's leader, Rabbitstar, standing proudly at the treeline. His burning green gaze bore straight through Flamefur and she felt her heartrate pick up speed. He said execution, is he going to kill me?

There were snarls and hisses behind her and she turned to see two rogues drag a struggling Stormstar from the barn and to the centre of the sandy clearing beside her. Next came Autumnpool, the blood-stained deputy putting up less of a fight.

After the three Lightclan cats were placed together in the centre, the crowd began creeping closer to them, closing off any escape routes. Flamefur noticed Stormstar's paws were bound by vines and two fresh scars ran along his throat.

"I have been informed that Flamefur has become a threat to NoName and her victory for the attack on Lightclan." Rabbitstar began, his voice chilling Flamefur's insides. "So, since she has so conveniently wandered into our camp, I will gladly take her life in order to ensure the Dark Forest's reign over the forest!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd, the loudest coming from the rogues. Flamefur struggled to her paws. She needed to run. She couldn't die. She had kits. She had to fight for her clan. She had to help them beat NoName. She barely took one step before Flare appeared from the crowd. One look in the golden she cat's eyes told Flamefur that the Dark Forest she cat would gladly kill her if she took another step.

"No, you can't kill her!" Autumnpool wailed. "She has kits! Kill me instead!"

Rabbitstar laughed. "But you're not a threat like Flamefur is. Threats like her must be dealt with sooner rather than later." With a flick of his tail, two stocky toms stepped towards Flamefur and she froze in fear. Autumnpool let out a scream of outrage as Flamefur was pinned flat on her back on the ground. Stormstar and Autumnpool were pushed aside as the toms each held down two of her legs.

Flamefur writhed and struggled, hot, wet tears beginning to flow down her cheeks. "No! Please!" She cried as Rabbitstar slowly slunk towards her, claws unsheathed.

"Don't worry, your death shall be quick and relatively painless." The Magiclan leader chuckled darkly and stopped before her, his paw raised to slice his claws down her neck.

Flamefur refused to close her eyes as she stared Death right in the face. She wasn't a coward. She wouldn't cower before her end. Rabbitstar seemed even more ecstatic by her reaction and brought his claws down with lightning speed. Flamefur tensed, waiting for the moment his claws made contact with her flesh.

But they never did.

His paw was stopped by an invisible force barely a claw-length from her neck. Flamefur noticed a slight blue glow around Rabbitstar's paws and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Touch one hair on her pelt and your head comes off." The familiar voice of Telekinesis Cat echoed from above them, in the darkness of a tree.

Flamefur panted with relief. He had come to help. They were going to be saved. Flamefur would see her kits again.

Nearly a heartbeat later, the white tom dropped down from the tree. When he landed, spikes of blue mist burst from all sides of him and five rogues in the crowd dropped to the ground, their eyes glazed with death. His eyes gleamed a brilliant blue as he shot out one paw- Rabbitstar was thrown at least three fox-lengths away from clearing, disappearing into the dark undergrowth with a yowl.

The two rogues holding her down were next, and Flamefur let out a yelp of surprise as both of their ears were torn clean off. Blood sprayed everywhere, coating Flamefur and the ground around her. She struggled to her paws when the toms fell to their knees with cries of agony and dashed for the forest to escape. Stormstar and Autumnpool pounded after her- the vines snapped open by Telekinesis Cat.

Flamefur made it into the forest and only then did she glance behind her shoulder to see a line of Magiclan warriors lunging to attack Telekinesis Cat. The white tom easily teleported out of the way and began running after Flamefur, Stormstar and Autumnpool. The Magiclan warriors and rogues didn't bother chasing them.


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