Chapter 4

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Flamefur's POV:

Flamefur had zoned out as she lay in a ball beside the tree. When she heard voices, she raised her head slightly and saw a patrol heading towards her. She breathed a sigh of relief which turned into a hiss of pain.

Iceheart, Cloudsun and Redwish trotted up to her. "What are you doing so far fron camp?" Iceheart hissed, circling her.

"I didn't think my kits would come today!" Flamefur wheezed, panting. "And how did you find me?"

"A rogue came and told us that you needed help and pointed us in the right direction." Cloudsun meowed, his white and grey pelt fluffing up as he watched her from a distance.

"We need Nutwhisker and Shinewing." Iceheart muttered. "Cloudsun, you run to camp and tell them that Flamefur's kits are coming." Cloudsun nodded and hared away in the direction of camp, his tail streaming behind him.

Flamefur flattened her ears as another ripple of pain passed through her. Iceheart sat down beside her, her ice blue eyes watching her. "The one day you decide to sneak out of camp..." The warrior shook her head at Flamefur.

The flame coloured she cat rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth. "Nutwhisker had better hurry."


It wasn't long after Shinewing ran up to Flamefur, telling her that Nutwhisker was busy and that she'd help deliver her kits. Flamefur didn't argue; she didn't have the energy to speak. Her first kit hadn't even come yet and she was already exhausted.

"Push Flamefur." Shinewing meowed, a paw placed firmly on her flank.

"I am!" Flamefur hissed, her sides heaving.

"Harder then!" The golden she cat snapped. "At this rate you'll never get these kits out!"

Flamefur bit back a retort and cried out as the first kit fell onto the grass. Shinewing picked up the kit and began grooming its damp fur before passing it to Flamefur's belly. "A healthy golden she cat." The medicine mewed, her paw returning to Flamefur's flank.

After the first kit, the next four arrived soon after. A light furred tabby she kit, a thick furred tom, a light tabby tom and a ginger and black tom. The five new born kits suckled happily at Flamefur's belly.

Flamefur's eyes were closed and she panted heavily. Shinewing murmured. "There's still one last kit in there... Just a little longer, Flamefur." Flamefur barely registered what the medicine cat said; her mind was hazy with exhaustion.

At last, the sixth and final kit arrived. A tiny she kit. Shinewing cleaned the kit and placed her beside her siblings. Flamefur sighed in relief as the pain faded away into numbness and her whole body relaxed. After only a few short heartbeats, Flamefur fell into a much needed sleep.


Silvershy's POV:

"Just do it!"

Silvershy snarled at Nutwhisker from where she stood in the training hollow. "I can't!" Her paw was placed on a dead mouse they had picked from the fresh-kill pile.

Nutwhisker let out a sigh of annoyance. "I thought you said you could!"

"The only thing that triggers it is fear or anger!" Silvershy hissed and glared at him.

Nutwhisker paused for a heartbeat before hissing. "You're a mouse-brain! I can't believe I thought you could use your powers!"

Silvershy bared her teeth but didn't reply. She knew what he was doing. If he thinks he can force a reaction out of me,  he is mistaken.

The medicine cat continued, his voice rising. "Your clan mates are going to die because of you!" He must've seen the way her eyes widened because he quickly added. "You're a coward, and Lightclan will die because you can't use your powers properly!"

Silvershy flattened her ears and snarled. "Shut up!" There was a buzz in her forepaw and suddenly, the mouse jerked beneath her as if it had been struck by something. She backed away to see a small trendil of smoke rising from the mouse, it's fur singed where her paw had been.

She looked up at Nutwhisker to see the brown tom's eyes gleaming with approval. "Well done, Silvershy."

Silvershy silently peered closer at the mouse. She had burned its fur. That meant her powers had something to do with heat or fire. Nutwhisker seemed to have a similar idea to her's because he meowed. "Perhaps we should get Stormstar's advice- he is a fire elemental afterall."

Silvershy gave a slight nod, an excited grin rising on her lips.


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