Chapter 11

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Stormstar's POV:

"Wake up!" A harsh voice hissed above Stormstar's head. He snapped awake and blinked up at the cat glaring down at him. Strong midday sunlight beat down on them, shadowing the cat's features, but Stormstar could make out the unfamiliar pair of grey eyes. "Get up!" The cat hissed, shoving his muzzle underneath Stormstar to push him to his paws.

Stormstar swayed once he was standing, the side of his head throbbing painfully. Where am I? His gaze travelled around the sandy clearing that he stood in. Strange smells filled his nose and it didn't take long for him to realise that he was no longer in Lightclan territory. Before him lay a dense forest of oak and aspen trees. They must be near the Ravenclan side of the territories- if they were anywhere near them. Behind him stood a faded red twoleg barn. There were no twoleg scents though, it must've been abandoned.

"Stormstar, how nice of you to join us." A voice he thought he'd never hear again rumbled behind him and he slowly turned back to where the forest was to see the cat he loathed most standing calmly by a tree.

"Rabbitstar." Stormstar hissed at the Magiclan leader. He took a small moment to examine his old enemy. The same brown tabby fur, green gaze filled with hatred. The only new look were little grey furs speckling his muzzle. What could he possibly want with them? He had his precious territory back. Why hunt them down now?

Anger ripped through Stormstar and he raised a paw slightly before slamming it down on the ground. Fire erupted around Rabbitstar, encasing the Magiclan leader in a ball of orange flames. Stormstar proceeded to closed the ball around Rabbitstar to burn the tom alive but the same cat who had woke him up reared up and threw him to the ground, claws tearing viciously through his skin. The fire died down just as quickly as it had burst to life.

Stormstar wriggled against his attacker, the strong scent of rogue flowing from the tom's dull grey pelt. Rabbitstar's recruiting rogues now. Has he gone completely mad? He kicked frantically and finally dislodged the stocky tom. The black tom shot to his paws and took off running towards the forest, blazing past Rabbitstar so fast that the Magiclan leader was knocked off his paws.

Stormstar barely made it another three tail-lengths before there was a screech of a cat overhead and a heavy weight dropped ontop of him, the sound of large wings beating above him. All Stormstar saw next was a flash of orange fur and feathers before his throat was torn out.


Flamefur's POV:

Flamefur sat near the leader's den, keeping watch over the clan as the last few patrols returned to camp. Blizzardstorm's hunting patrol trotted into the main clearing, each of the three cats carrying a fish. They were putting the stream near the Ravenclan border to good use.

"Mumma?" Lightkit pawed at Flamefur's fur. "Why can't you go to the nursery? I'm tired."

"I have to wait for Autumnpool to come back. But you can go back to the nursery with Flowerstream and her kits." Flamefur nudged her kit gently with her tail.

Lightkit sighed softly and nodded. "Alright, I'll go tell the others." The little she kit bounded across the clearing, her short tabby tail whisking down the nursery tunnel after her.

Flamefur turned her attention back to the clearing. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows around them. Where was Autumnpool? She should've returned. Was she in trouble? Had she been captured as well? Had she been killed?

She shook away the dark thoughts. "No, Autumnpool probably decided to hunt on the way back..." Flamefur tried to reassure herself, tail flicking.

No matter how hard she tried, Flamefur couldn't help but let the sinking feeling settle within her. Autumnpool wasn't coming back, she had been captured as well. The air felt strange around her, as if it were a bad omen.

At last, Flamefur breathed. "I'm coming Autumnpool." She stood up and hurried across the clearing just as the sun set behind the sea, plunging the forest into the darkness of night-time.


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