Chapter 20

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Stormstar's POV:

Stormstar growled up at the sky, where small flakes of snow floated down to the ground.

"Leaf-bare's coming early this year." Autumnpool mused as she sat down beside Stormstar, a mouse in her jaws.

"How's the prey running?" Stormstar asked, still glaring angrily at the sky as if his pure will could stop the snow.

"The snow scared most of the prey underground, but we still found plenty." Autumnpool reported as she took a bite from her food.

Stormstar finally broke his one-sided staring contest with the dark grey sky and looked at his deputy. "I need to start properly leading the clan again."

Autumnpool mumbled in agreement. "You do seem to be recovering."

"But the clan doesn't see me as a leader." Stormstar continued, frowning. "They see you as Lightclan's leader."

Autumnpool shook her head. "That's not true-"

"I think I should step down as leader. You deserve to receive your nine lives." Stormstar meowed, frowning when Autumnpool immediately shot to her paws in denial.

"No! Stormstar you are still our rightful leader!" Autumnpool gasped. "How could you just give up your place like that?"

"All I do is lay around all day, doing nothing." Stormstar growled. "You deserve to be the full leader of this clan!"

Autumnpool shook her head. "No.. Stormstar I can't. I'm not the right cat. Not me." He caught her gaze flickering towards the nursery where Flamefur, Flowerstream and the kits were.

"You're practically leader already, the only thing that would change would be your name and lives." Stormstar snapped, confused as to why Autumnpool kept refusing. She was deputy, she should've expected this. Even if Stormstar remained leader, he only had two lives left.

Autumnpool opened her jaws to argue, but she was interrupted by a battle screech from the camp entrance. Stormstar turned around to see a sea of Magiclan cats pour into the clearing, screeching and yowling as they flung themselves onto the Lightclan cats.


Silvershy's POV:

Silvershy had just returned to her nest for a nap when she pricked her ears at the distant sounds of pounding pawsteps. It sounded like a lot of cats, and their screeches rose into the air as they reach Lightclan camp. Silvershy darted back out of the warriors den, alert, to see a wave of Magiclan warriors and rogues streaming through the entrance. There were so many cats that they nearly trampled the camp wall entirely.

At the head of the battle patrol- earning no surprise from Silvershy- was Rabbitstar. The brown tom's green eyes blazed with a strange wild look as he shrieked. "Lightclan! Prepare to meet your doom!"

Stormstar's sharp reply came from outside the leader's den. "I'm going to kill you!"

Rabbitstar only howled a crazed laugh before lunging straight for the black tom. Autumnpool slid sideways to attack the Magiclan leader before he reached Stormstar but she quickly disappeared underneath two rogue's their screeches slicing through the air.

Silvershy tore her gaze away from the leader's den to see the sea of Magiclan cats thundering into each of the dens. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted two cats watching from the trees overhead. All she could see was the glowing blue eyes coming from one of the cats, their pelts covered in shadows.

There was a yowl from the elders den and Silvershy rushed over to see a Magiclan warrior, Pheasantwing, attacking Dawnheart.

Silvershy bared her teeth. "I've been waiting a long time to get some revenge on you Magiclan filth." She lunged for the tom, paw outstretched and sizzling with the familiar sensation of her powers.


I have a feeling this will be a short book, since the battle is already taking place at chapter 20 xD

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