Chapter 6

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Stormstar's POV:

"I now have a theory which might help us understand how to control your powers, Silvershy." Nutwhisker meowed from beside Silvershy.

Stormstar barely heard the medicine cat. His blood was pumping with adrenaline and his heart beat at an irregular pace. It had been so long since he used his storm powers; he had forgotten the rush and excitement that followed. His paws itched to summom more electricity to feed his unforeseen hunger for more.

"I'm going on a walk. I'll be back later." Stormstar could barely form the words as he spoke them, it sounded like a jumble of meaningless sounds to him. Nutwhisker clearly hadn't understood a word he had uttered, but Stormstar didn't care. He had to leave camp.

Before the medicine cat and warrior could say another word Stormstar was out of camp, red-hot pawsteps left in his wake.


Silvershy's POV:

Silvershy stared at the pawsteps left in the ground by Stormstar. Small whisps of smoke rose from them and the sandy dirt was left burning red. Something was definitely wrong with the black tom, but she didn't go after him. Nutwhisker didn't either.

Eventually, the brown tom turned to face her, his whiskers twitching. "Would you like to hear my theory?" When Silvershy nodded her head, he smiled and started. "When you activate your powers, a bolt of electricity shoots from your paw and into your victim. The electricity goes straight to their heart, killing them."

Silvershy swallowed thickly. "Uh.. Is there a way I can redirect the bolt?"

"I'm getting to that." Nutwhisker replied, his whiskers twitching thoughtfully as he studied her. "I don't know how, but we should be able to find a away to change the electricity's path to different parts of the body. And to change the amount that goes into your victim."

"So basically.. I could electrocute my opponent without killing them?" Silvershy asked, her tail tip twitching as she thought off the possibilities of her powers.

"Correct." Nutwhisker nodded and Silvershy smiled, nodding as well.

"And now we just have to find out how to do that." Silvershy chuckled.

Nutwhisker nodded and meowed. "Tomorrow at sunhigh you start training with Stormstar."


Flamefur's POV:

It took a long while for the warriors to carry Flamefur and her kits back to camp. At least, that was what she guessed. Because when she awoke again, Redwish was just placing her down into her nest in the nursery cave- her kits being carried in soon after.

Now she lay in her nest, watching calmly as her kits suckled hungrily at her belly. They were so small; their eyes still tightly closed. She was still debating on the names for the kits.

"What would Metalclaw have called you?" She wondered as her tail snaked around her kits.

Flamefur looked at the golden she kit thoughtfully. "How about Emberkit?" She mumbled to herself, purring when the little she kit looked up at her with a mew of delight. "Emberkit it is."

Emberkit resumed her spot at her belly and Flamefur turned her attention to the next tom. The thick furred kit. His paws kneaded against her belly as he suckled and Flamefur murmured. "How about Fluffykit for you?" He didn't notice her voice, he was too fixated on drinking milk. Flamefur chuckled.

The next four names came to her in heartbeats and she found herself whispering. "Maplekit, Blackkit, Lightkit, Tinykit." She tapped each kit in turn with her tail, smiling when Tinykit mewed loudly at her touch.

"I will make sure you all grow up into big, strong warriors." Flamefur vowed as she rested her head on her paws for another nap.


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