Please Don't Forget Me

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Zayn and Marcel spent the entire next day talking to agencies, giving information, and submitting online paperwork. By the time they were done it was seven in the evening so they decided to go over to Liam and Louis' house and tell them about what they had done today.

"Zayn Marcel! Come in." Liam said as he opened the door.

"Do you guys ever stay at your own house for dinner?" Niall sassed. Marcel just stuck his tongue out at the six year old as they walked into the dining room where the rest of the family was already sitting. Harry was curled up on Louis' lap with a dummy in his mouth so Zayn knew that it must have been a bad day with the voices because that's the only time he would ever be given a dummy, they were trying to slowly take him off of it completely.

"So is this just another one of your random drop ins?" Louis asked.

"Actually, Marcel and I have something we need to tell you."

"Is everything alright?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine it's just....Marcel and I have decided to start a family. We spent all day talking to agencies and we started filling out the paperwork. We even set up a meeting with an agency for next week." Louis smiled and congratulated them while Liam jumped up and hugged them. Harry didn't respond, he just continued to suck on the dummy while Louis rocked him. Niall however had a reaction none of them expected. He stood up as tears welled up in his eyes and threw his chair back then ran out of the room and upstairs only for everyone to hear a door slam seconds later. Liam started to get up but Zayn got up instead, stopping Liam.

"It's okay dad, let me talk to him."

"Go away dada." Niall said as Zayn knocked on the door. Zayn opened it and stepped inside seeing Niall with his face in his pillow, sobbing.

"It's me bug." Niall looked up with tears streaming down his chubby cheeks. Zayn held open his arms for Niall and he ran into them sobbing.

"Shh Ni Ni it's okay love, what's wrong? Why are you so upset?"

"I'm not going to have any one to pay attention to me any more. I like going to your house because you and Marcel pay attention to me. Dada and Papa spend all their time focusing on Harry and if you adopt then you're going to focus on that kid and forget about me then I'm left with no one. I don't think they like who I am, I'm not what they wanted. I'm just waiting for them to get rid of me." Zayn heart broke, he hugged Niall tighter and looked to the doorway to see Louis standing there with silent tears streaming down his face.

"Niall, look at me bug." Zayn cooed. Niall turned his head to look at Zayn.

"Baby we love you so much. Dada and Papa love you a lot and they'd never want to get rid of you. I know you're a little too young to understand but they have to pay more attention to Harry because he's different. He needs them to do things for him and watch him because he's a bit ill. They know you're a big boy so they don't have to be always watch you. And Marcel and I would never forget about you. You're my baby brother, my little bug, you always have been. I know Marcel thinks of you the same way. Sure we'll have a child to care for but we definitely won't forget about you. You can still come over whenever you want and who knows, we don't know who we're adopting yet so you might even have someone your age to play with." Niall wiped his nose with his sleeve and sniffled before nodding and hugging Zayn again.

"Zee you promise you won't forget me?"

"Never bug." Louis took this time to come in along with Liam who was now standing next to Louis.

"Baby I'm so sorry, I didn't know you felt that way. I feel so horrible. From now on how about once a week we do something special? Either just you and I or you and Papa?" Niall smiled and nodded as Louis wiped the tears off Niall's face. Zayn decided he should let them have alone time with Niall seeing as Harry was asleep so he kissed Niall's forehead then left with Marcel explaining what happened.

"I feel horrible Marce, I didn't realize how much Niall gets forgotten. I know my dads have to pay attention to Harry all the time I just didn't know how much it affected Niall."

"It'll be okay babe, as you said they're going to give him one on one time and he can always come over here." Zayn nodded and parked the car before getting out. He and Marcel entered the house and decided to call it an early night as they went up to bed and fell asleep.

Poor Niall. </3

QOTC: What gender are you?

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