My Offer

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Okay I keep getting requests for one of them to be sick or something and I don't want to put too much of that into this book because I want a variety so I'll make an offer. Do you want me to start a book of strictly prompts where the boys get sick or hurt? Comment yes or no and if yes comment a prompt you'd like me to do once I start the book. Now this book is NOT a spin off from this book meaning only the Niall, Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry will be in it and occasionally Paul, Simon, or Josh or the 1D mums if requested. The boys can be any age and have any relationship such as dating, brothers, dads/kids etc.... but you have to specify.If you don't specify I'll just pick everything myself. I will also only do bromances, Zianourry included or where it's just one of the boys that's sick or hurt and the rest of the boys are just his mates, so please specify what you want. I DON'T write imagines with y/n in them or het. in general, I'm sorry I just can't stand those. So yeahhh, just let me know if this is something you want and leave some prompts.

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