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*               Bitter Sweet (2012968)

What’s Hot Number 410

“Werewolf and human interaction is strictly forbidden. Instead of falling for her chosen werewolf partner Callum, Molly takes an interest in a human. Penalty for betrayal? Death. Will she risk it? Of course.”

I’m really liking this story so far. The alpha is a stupid idiot. I dislike him majorly. I haven't actually read any of the stories where there's a mean alpha so this is a first for me. This is one of those stories that makes me want to jump I'm the story and give a character a slap. Of course that character would be the alpha. I can’t wait for the next chapter :D This story has had 582 reads and 75 votes so far.


*               Set Fire to the Rain (1347552)


What’s Hot Number 838

“After facing a life-threatening prank, Dakota Benway’s mother sends her to a friend of hers house temporarily, having no other choice. Unfortunately, her mother’s friend happens to have six sons. They promise to protect her, and help her have a normal experience at their school. But that’s hard to promise, considering that they’re hiding a secret that’s far from normal – they’re werewolves. Nobody can know. So what happens when these boys’s worst enemy starts to get attracted to Dakota? Oh, one more thing. He’s a werewolf too. Will she let her attraction to their frustrating enemy override her loyalty to these six caring boys? Or will she let them tear her apart from the guy she doesn't want to admit she likes? In the world of werewolves, things may take a turn for the worst.”

This has had 253,883 reads and 4,041 votes so far and it deserves each and every one.   :D love it :D this story has everything you could possibly want. It’s not a typical werewolf romance story. Dakota seems to be a really unlucky person. I love how the relationship develops between the two characters. At the start I kind of resented both Max and Stacey. They seemed to both be in the way all of the time, trying to keep the two apart. I'm really pleased that my views on Max were wrong. He’s not that bad, sure I hated him at times for doing stupid things, but he's a good guy. This story made me cry, and as usual I'm going to say that's the sign of a story that has been written really well. There's only one thing that would make this better, if the character magically didn't die. Although having said that the story was still amazing. 

A sequel would be much appreciated; I want to know what's going to happen. I know she's already said she's not writing a sequel but I can hope :) 

This story kind of has an open ending, I suppose now we all get to decide how the story ends for all these characters. I've got my ending sussed out. The bad guys die painfully :D The good guys find their mates, fall in love, get married, have lots of kids and live happily ever after :D 

I loved reading every minute of this story, apart from the death though obviously. I enjoyed it sooooooo much. Go read it if you like werewolf stories :D     


*               The Magician's Assistant (1804342)

"Innocent Rachel Cooper becomes the Magician’s Assistant. She’s not much of a show girl; in fact she blushes at the mere idea, but is fascinated by the famous William Larkin’s tricks. However, what will happen when Rachel realizes that nothing is as it seems, and the tricks he performs are not actually illusions, but in fact actual magic? She thinks that the entire concept of super powers in ridiculous, but she’s beginning to realize that everything she thought she knew, she didn’t. Everything is changing, and she might not be ready to be set on this rollercoaster. Or maybe she is, and she needs William to help her realize that."

This story is really good. I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm intrigued by the characters and the way they act around each other. There's definitely some big kind of secret behind it, but I'm not quite sure what yet. I can't wait for the next chapter. This story has currently had 1,216 reads and 103 votes so far. Enjoy! :)

I'm not very good at the whole story prediction thing; I tend to get it wrong quite often, so I won't do that. Instead I'm going to piece together all the 'evidence' and ‘theories’ I have gathered through reading the first five parts. I've probably put way too much thought into these theories and I'm more than likely miles away from what will actually happen. Don't let these suggestions ruin your views of the story. I have an overactive imagination that likes to run wild at times. 

At first I thought James was a guardian angel or something. Everything seemed to point to that idea. I don't know if I still believe that or not? Johnny must have some kind of super human strength. Rachel's friend called him superman or something, and I think that name suits him; the whole 'geeky' persona with hidden abilities within him. I think William must be able to perform his magic tricks using some kind of mind control or something. I can't quite tell if he brainwashes the audience into seeing/not seeing certain sections of the trick, or if he manipulates the objects using his mind? It's definitely some form of supernatural power, it would explain the sweating and the knackered look he seemed to have. William actually listened to an order Rachel gave. That must have some significance; she must have some form of control over him. William seemed to sense that someone else was in the room with them - super powers maybe? James seems to dislike William, for some reason he disappears when William and Rachel touch. James and William seem to be like two polar opposites, like enemies of some kind. Obviously they'd be some kind of supernatural/mythical enemies like vampires and werewolves, fairies and goblins, angels and devils. I just haven't worked out what/who they all are yet. 

*Figures Last Edited: 26.08.2011*

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