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*              My Perfect Accident (A Teen Pregnancy Story) Watty Awards 2011 (1202108


Watty Awards 2011 Number 640

“What Happens When the Schools quiet Girl falls pregnant with the Schools badboy's babies? Emily Cotta an average 17 year old goes to a New Years party, And makes a mistake she'll regret for the rest of her life. She falls pregnant, pregnant with twins. What will she do?

Well you'll have to read to find out, Won't you?”

Blimey, Emily seems to be quite the unlucky girl. When everything finally seems to be going okay for her, a new secret is revealed or something happens. She also seems to black out a lot. I really enjoyed reading this story, it's full of little twists and it has lots of secrets that become unearthed as the story progresses. I can honestly say I was surprised when I found out how Josh and Emily knew each other. I knew there must have been some past there with those two, especially with the whole 'forgive me' thing Josh had going on, Emily seemed quite bitter towards him too, but I never even thought about THAT as a possibility. It's a small world in these stories. This is a really good story that I thoroughly enjoyed reading :D This story has had over 92,702 reads and 1,824 votes so far :D 


*               My Not So Perfect Life- Living with 2 Jerks, A Player & A Slut. (2039415)

Watty Awards 2011 Number 111 , What's Hot Number 974

Sequel to My Perfect Accident: Max and Emily are back with the new additions to their family. Everything's going perfect until they announce their engagement, It seem's Emily's parents have been keeping a deep dark secret that will ruin Max and Emily’s Perfect life... Will they fight the obstacles together or were they just not meant to be?”

It appears that Emily’s luck hasn't changed since the first story, everything still goes wrong. Just like the first story, I’m really enjoying it. It's one of those stories were the characters just bug me; I just want to give those new characters a slap for picking on poor Emily. There are quite a few characters that I don’t like in this story so far, because they have all ruined the happy family and the happy ending. 

What I don't understand is why it took her parents this long to reveal the dark secret. They could have told her when they found out she was pregnant, at least then it wouldn't be so sudden. What would have happened if Emily and Max had ran off to Vegas and got married without telling the parents first? 

Don't even get me started on these new characters, I hate them. They are all evil and need to die already so Emily can go back to Max. What is their problem? Were they all dropped on their heads when they were little and it turned them all into demons or something. They need anger management classes for sure. Surely that Tyler character can somehow cancel the deal, it's clearly obvious he doesn’t like Emily and what are the chances of him actually wanting to marry her? 

I'm really into this story at the moment, I'm waiting eagerly for a chapter where things actually go right for Emily. Surely bad luck can't stay with her forever? This story so far has 2,097 reads and 177 votes and I’m sure these figures will rise as  the story continues :D

*Figures Last Edited: 4th September 2011*

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