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*              How My Life Went To The Dogs (2233243)

Fantasy Number 501

“Calandra was your usual party girl, not concerned with school and never realizing that her best friend was in love with her. But when she learns her lesson it's too late to do anything about it because the Alpha of a local wolf clan has claimed her as her mate and she already sympathizes with his confusing and painful past. Will Calandra be able to let go of her best friend and will her new lover be able to forget his old flame?”

The start of the first chapter is basically like a fact file about each of the characters. It includes everything you could ever want to know about them. Although it is a good idea to introduce the characters, I feel that in a well written story these 'fact files' are unnecessary. In a good story you should be able to clearly distinguish all the necessary facts about a character as you read the descriptions in each chapter. Did Stephanie Meyers have a 'fact file' at the start of the Twilight series? Did J K Rowling have one for Harry Potter? I think the answer is no. It wasn't necessary because the stories were written so clearly that you could tell the difference between Edward and Jacob, and Harry and Ron. In my personal opinion, a good story shouldn't need these fact files. A reader should be able to find out all this information out for them as they read; if they don't then the descriptions need some serious work. 

I completely skipped the first 'chapter' of this story to avoid all the character profiles. To be honest they aren't really needed anyway. I managed to read through 12 chapters without knowing this information so hopefully others will too. 

There are a few points in the story, in particular the latest few chapters, where the story changes from 'I' to 'she'. I don't know if this is intentional, a mistake or if I'm reading it wrong but I thought I'd point it out. 

So far this story seems to be going quite well. I don't quite know where this story is going, plot wise, but I'm guessing there'll be some kind of fight between the pack and 'red eyes'. Who/what is red eyes? I am quite enjoying reading this story, it would be interesting to know what is going to happen next. This story has had 408 reads and 14 votes so far. It definitely deserves more than this.

*Figures Last Edited: 18th November 2011*

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