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*              The Monsters Who Love Me  (2145516)

Fantasy  Number 88 , Romance Number 197What's Hot Number 412

“Abandoned and left to die out in the bitter night of winter in the woods as an infant, Aurora was rescued by two unlikely companions, two men whom she has come to love deeply. But as she grows older, Aurora starts to notice that her "brothers" were not what they seemed. They don't age as she does amongst other things. What secrets are they hiding from her? And when she finds out, how will she react? And what’s to become of the peaceful harmony that they created when Aurora realizes that she may love her adopted brothers far more than she should...

Love, lies and lust makes a dangerous combination. When it's time for her to choose, who will Aurora give her heart to?   Or will she risk everything to keep both as ancient enemies appear?”

I really love this :D I love how Gage and Aurora argue all the time yet they both seem to care for each other, they just don't want to admit it. I hope they find out who it was that poisoned him, I bet it has something to do with that cheerleader girl. All I have to say is please save him Aurora, he can't die. This is really good and I cannot wait for the next chapter :D With 101,905 reads and 3,050 votes so far, I can see this is going to be another well loved story.

*              Falling For Ones Wicked Step-Brother Is Surely A Sin  (1311839)

Short Story Number 34 ,Romance Number 332 , What's Hot Number 673

“Mika's mother is now happily remarried to a man she loves. Mika's happy for her but there's only one problem...her gorgeous step-brother Adrian. To everyone he was perfect but Mika knew that he wasn't the angel that people thought him to be. This beauty was actually a beast!”

It's amazing how much my opinions of Adrian changed as I got further into the story. At first I hated him. He was like some kind of possessive lunatic or something. I read some of the comments on the chapter and it seems I'm not the only one who disliked him at the start. Towards the end of this short story I was beginning to like Adrian more and more. I found myself 'aw-ing' at the two characters and smiling along with Adrian as he teased her. This is only a short story and it is well written and has everything you could want and need. Although I must say a sequel would be greatly accepted, I won't complain if I get to read more about these two. I want to read about the whole telling the parents thing :D This story has had over 300,944 reads and 1,127 votes which is pretty good for a short story.

*              The Loneliness I Whisper To You  (1257864)

Teen Fiction Number 993

“(This is a boyxboy story but please don't judge before you actually read it!) A chance encounter in the bitter rain brings two lonely souls together. Both drawn to one another, neither knowing exactly why. Their dark pasts shadows their present but can these two troubled teens find a way to draw strength from one another? To face the judgements of the world around them? Will their bond be strong enough or shatter under the preassure of the cruel world we know as society?”

Being the small minded human being that I am, I got confused at the start of this. I was like 'who's who again?’. The two main characters are called Kai and Kei, I got the names muddled up and the story didn't exactly make much sense. Kai went from being strong to being weak and Kei did the opposite. Once I got the names right I really enjoyed it. Well technically I enjoyed it even when I muddled the two up, but still. At the last bit of chapter eight I had a big cheesy grin on my face :D kissy kissy :D In chapter 6/7 when Kai was showing off his strength and getting revenge I was kind of chanting 'go Kai go Kai' in my head. ‘Cos quite frankly if I was a tad stronger and could somehow hit him too, I would. He deserves it, stupid bully. This story has had 29,428 reads and 525 votes so far.

*              I Tempted Him With A Kiss ;) (BoyxBoy Romance)  (1446158)

“Giovannie and Jenna are twins. Giovannie is the reckless free sprit of the two, the one to have a flirtatious smile plastered on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes. Everyone knows the flamboyant Gio is bi so they're used to his 'eccentric ways'. Take the twins childhood friend Hunter, for instance. Gio has been hitting on him since puberty but the cool and tolarent Hunter had always brushed him off and took his advances as playful jokes. But what happens when Hunter suddenly turns the tables on Gio? Now Gio is the one being seduced...what to do what to do? Especially when Hunter is suppose to be his twin sisters boyfriend!

Then in steps a potential rival for Giovannie's affection, sweet all American boy next door, Nick Davis. Gio's life is about to get more dramatic.”

**************......Warning, this story is Restricted.....*************

"Should I be worried?"      "No I still have the hunting knife in the car,"  

I'm sorry I couldn’t help but laugh at that :D I can totally see where Jenna is coming from with these two, I also felt like banging their heads together. There's so much drama going on with this lot. I got so impatient waiting for some of the chapters to load, I needed to know what would happen; there was like literally life or death moments and the Internet was being slow. I've got to say I really enjoyed reading this :D I can't wait for more, "I'm on the edge of glory,". I can see why this is R rated but I ain't complaining ;) This story hashad over 1,021,599 reads and 20,015 votes so far, it appears there are several fans of this story out there :D

*              High School Scandal (A BoyxBoy Romantic Comedy) (1764727)

Humor  Number 46 , Romance  Number 170 , What's Hot Number 357

“EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!! Hot tempered and impulsive Derek James and Calm and composed Evan Staton has been best buds since the 3rd grade. Nicknamed the Two Musketeers in middle school, they went on to high school as well sought after popular guys. Still, Evan was the one who has gotten the most attention from all the girls mainly due to his celebrity good looks and style. Where ever he went, girls sighed and guys stepped back with grudging respect. But then he had to go and drop a scandalous bomb on Derek.

                   "I'm gay."

Determined and in denial, Derek makes it his mission to "reform" his best friend back to his full "non-gay" glory. But what happens when Derek starts to feel things he shouldn't? And DO things he shouldn't? Uh oh. Was being gay contagious? Was he suffering from "copy cat" syndrome or was this something else? Join Derek in his humorous adventure in attempting to save his friend from straying to what he called "the path of no return" when he's slowly straying there himself! Throw in a Yaoi maniac for a sister and a surprising situation that puts Derek and Evan in a very compromising position and we got ourselves the biggest scandal of the school year!”

I love this. I can't believe how much I laughed and smiled while reading this. I love Derek’s reaction to the whole "I'm gay" speech. I also love how he thinks that watching porn will somehow magically make him straight. Derek is really amusing to read about. I love how in the last few chapters a mysterious character who goes by the name of ‘Cookie’ appeared, can’t say I blame her for wanting to randomly pop up in the story. This story has had 1,163,559 reads and 20,181 votes so far. It appears everyone really does want to ‘read all about it’.

*Figures Last Edited: 18th November 2011*

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