Chapter 4

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B(A/N the pic is ptv's tour bus.. Idk I just got pics from google.)

Bell's p.o.v
Their tour bus was huge!
At the from of it was the living room area and it had blue lights and chiz then was the bunks that had blue lights and stuff then the little kitchen was black and red theme then the back room was a little black and red theme lounge room that had mirrors that turns into little cubby places like a little door or what ever and as you get out of the lounge on the right is a little bath room an in the left is a closet space and as you keep going it's the kitchen again an blah blah blah!

It was HUGE though i didn't know your busses were like this!
"So what do you guys want to do its only 10:30!"Vic said
"I'm taking a shower umm Vic can I borrow a shirt?"
He nodded and tossed me a big plaid shirt and I went in the bathroom and almost had a heard attack when I turned in the light cause u was right I front of a body mirror!

I turned on the water and stripped down.

30 minutes later~~
I put on Vic's shirt and kept my pants off  cause it's really hot!
I went our the bathroom after cleaning up my mess.

I went in the living room area were everyone was and of course their bus driver was driving the bus (Damien)

(A/N I don't know their bus drivers name I'm not sure if any one does XD)
"Do y'all have pizza?"
"yeah country girl we do!"Jamie said in a country accent
"Shut up! We're is Marlee?"
"A sleep!"tony said
"Is she friend with one of you yet?"
"only mike and Jamie and tony i don't think she quit likes me."Vic said all awkward

God he's so cute....and I don't mean that in the fan-girl way!
"I'm tired can I have a bottom bunk cause I'm to fat cause this baby!
"Of course yeah!"Vic nodded
I climbed in bed and they have soft, fluffy, silky, cloud like pillows and a blanket omg I'm in heaven!

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