Chapter 36!

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~Fast forward to December 8 months pregnant~

Bell's p.o.v
Today is December 11 and I'm 8 months pregnant.well I turned 8 months on the 2nd ..
"Andy."I sat on the bed.
"Yes baby."he came in
"I wanna lay with you."
He smiled,"okay."and he came to the bed and I turned my huge self so Andy had room.
He laid his hand on my stomach and laid his he'd in my neck.
"I love you."
"I love you too Andy."
Soon iris came in
"Are you g-guys sleeping?"she said all quiet
"No sweetly you can come in."
She ran and hopped in the bed and latex her head on my butt.
"Y'all want to watch a movie?"Andy spoke
"Which one?"
"Nemo."me and iris said
Andy laughed,"y'all better be happy that I love y'all!"
We laughed and my cat and dog came in and came to cuddle with us as well.
Vic walked by then he walked back
"Well can I join?"he smiled
"Yeah dad come on."I smiled
"Poppy poppy poppy!"iris cheered
"Poppy poppy poppy!"me and Andy sang
He came in and sat on the floor and we started to watch NEMo!
Soon enough I fell asleep!

I woke up and Andy had a tray of food with him
"What time is it?
"It's only 10."
"Okay."I sat up and ate the stuff that was on my tray.
He sat down with me and turned on the tv to the middle..
We started talking about how big my stomach was and the baby and if we were ever going to move out.
Which we soon will.
"I'm tacking a shower."
I got up and went into my bathroom and took a shower.
Li got dressed and walked back out into my room and jinxx was sitting on the bed
"Holy shit your huge!"he blurted out and then covered his mouth
I laughed,"I know."
"So Andy told me y'all might move out."
"Yeah. Mike is moving in and crap and to much people o feed I think and me and Andy have been talking about moving before we get married or maybe even after. And their is this cool house down the street.
It's four bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms!"
" sweet."
"Yeah and there is a pool their as well."Andy nodded
We all talked about me and Andy moving and soon jinxx left and I crawled in bed with Andy and went to sleep.

I got up and put some cloths on then Andy came in with a letter.
He handed it to me and I opened it.
It was all the way from Florida. And I'm all the way in LA.
I opened it and pulled the letter out and started reading it..
I started crying.i ripped up the letter and cried into Andy's arms.
He sat me down.
"What's wrong?"he wiped away the tears.
"My parents are still alive....but they have been in jail since I was 10! And......they have murdered people..I don't know what to do! They have my address and everything I don't want to belong to them! They lied to me! They killed people!"I cried harder
"Vic!"Andy yelled

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