Chapter 14

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Bells p.o .v
I woke up next to andy and dried my eyes from the dried up tears.
I then heard my daughter cry.
I got up and ran to her room.

I grabbed her.
"Baby girl it's okay."
I started bouncing her and I have her a bottle then re-dressed her and changed her diaper and cloths. Then I put her back in her crib and I turn around and saw andy smiling.

"I'm sorry for yesterday."he said putting his head down.
"No I'm sorry!"
"We both are."he spoke
"I love you andy."
"I love you too."I went to him and hugged him.

We went down stairs into the kitchen and started making breakfast.
Minutes after that Vic came down and turned on the tv..the middle.
"My birthday is next week!"I yelled out and my birthday may 4th!
"And iris will be a month old next week!"andy also yelled
"Yep I'll be 18 ugh I can't wait!"I groaned

"Yep and I know what your present is going to be and iris's!"
" oooooo tell me!"
"Please dad!"
"Never!"he acted really dramatic
"Okay I'm ping to pick up Bryan."
"Bryan stars?"
"Yeah we hang out sometimes."
"Bye!"I yelled
"Bye."he waved

I went to the sink and andy wrapped his arms around me and felt 'something' and try to guess what that something is..
20 minutes later-
I heard the front door open and I opened my eyes and I had no cloths in at all same with andy.
I took off the cover and saw a condom and it wasn't broken.
Thank god!
I covered myself up but I decided to take a shower and do my hair and get
re-dressed and went down stairs and saw Bryan and Vic chilling
"Hello!"I said to Bryan
"Oh hey!"he waved
Them the baby started crying
"I'll be right back!"

I went back upstairs and grabbed iris and her bottle and went down stairs.
"Your daughter is adorable you and andy did great!"
"Hahaha thanks bryan."
Then they started talking about random stuff and I just sat there feeding my baby
And eventually andy came down with some black ripped jeans and no shirt and doc martins.

He sat on the floor with me and kissed my cheek.
"Can I hold my daughter?"
"Of course."
"So  andy and bell how long have you known each other to have a kid?"Bryan spoke and Vic sat all awkward on the couch.
"Umm actually bryan I raped her but then when she have birth we sorted everything out and when I kept spending the night with her at the hospital I finally grew some balls and  I asked her out!"andy said staring at iris
"Ah okay."Bryan looked a little confused
"Um dad can you watch iris umm me and andy are planning to go to the skating rink!"
"Umm yeah what time will you be him?"he checked his phone "it's 3 o'clock right now"
"Maybe around 9 or 10."
"Okay yeah!"h nodded

Me and andy got in his car and I was driving oh yeah...I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENS!
And I drove somewhere completely different which was....

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