Chapter 28

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Bell's p.o.v
Dad went to drop off iris at Sam's  house and me and Andy are going to babies r us to get stuff for the nursery!!
"So were getting blue paint,crib,dresser,chair,and carpet."and counted
"Yes."I nodded
We did what we did and I went shopping for more shirts
"This is cute!"and pointed
"Oh my god no!"
We laughed and we picked out a couple more and we bought be a machine thing that you put up to your stomach to her the baby's heart beat..
We went in the car and put everything in the back seat
"We spent 110 dollars..."
"I wanna bath!"I complained
"After we put the crib together! And while you take your bath me ,mike and Vic will make the nursery!"
I held onto his hand
"I love you!"he smiled at me
"I love you too!"I smiled back

We arrived home and I went in the bath and the guys set up some of the nursery.
I was sill in the bath and Andy came in..
"Hey babe."
"Hi!"I smiled
"We have to plan something for iris's bday it's next week!"Andy sighed
"Yeah I know."
Then Buger came in
Andy picked him up and started petting him then put him down..
"In going to join you!"Andy said unbuckling his pants
"Okay."I giggled
He sat behind me and he put his hands on my stomach...
"When do you have to go on warped tour or just a concert?"
"Umm in a couple days but it's going to just be down down so I'll just be got for a day."
"Okay."I sighed .
I hate having him go on warped tour and I'm fat and pregnant and having cramps a lot and I'll be 5 months pregnant soon..
Having his second child!!!
And him leaving constantly! Sure when I turn five months pregnant he stays till the baby is one but I don't know it's just really hard!
"Babe."Andy snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah I'm just thinking."
"About what?"
"Life and you."
"Is it good?"
"Do you want it to be?"
"Well yeah"
"Then yeah it's fine."
"Tell me bell April Fay!"
"Fine fine I'm just thinking of you like leaving for months and I'm stuck here with our children and we barely see you sometimes.."
"You have nothing to worry about! I love you! And I'm going to marry you right when out son pops out of your stomach and your going to make me the happiest guy in the world and I'll love you forever and no one is going to stop me from loving you! They can chock on a dick of they try cause you are beautiful,smart,funny,creative and many more! You make my life the happiest life of all!"Andy smiled
"I love you!"I kissed him
"I love y'all too!"he wrapped hi hand around my big stomach and kissed me back!

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