Chapter 16-two years later!

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2 years later-

Bell's p.o.v
I'm 20 ,Vic is 34 and andy is 27 and my baby princess is 2!!!

Now that she's two we re-designed her room painted the walls and everything and put house is huge so we have extra room and we made a huge playroom for me when you know a lot of bands that know you have a kid lets just say they can spoil the shit out of that child!

"Iris wake up baby got to get ready for pre-k!"today is her first day at pre-k she has been so excited about it!
"Today's da day?"
"Yeah daddy's making you breakfast!"
"Yay!" She plopped up out of bed and ran to her closet and picked out a long sleeve black owl shirt and the owl was blue and pink and blue leggings and pink converse. Damn my baby got style!
"Do you want a head band?"
I gave her a bright purple head band with a small pink flower on it.
"Let's go see what daddy thinks!" I picked her up and carried her down stairs into the kitchen and andy had a big smile on his face right when he looked at us!
"Don't you look cute!"
She smiled
"Where's poppy?"iris asked yep she calls Vic poppy
"He's getting you a present!"andy smiled
I let her down and she ran to the couch.
"Good morning my love!"andy kissed me.
Good thing about these schools we don't have to get up till 8:30 but 1st-5th you have to get up at 6:00 and 6-12 8:00 which isn't bad but I hate that we have to get up at 6
"Good morning!"
"Mommy can we watch sponge bob?"
"Whatever ya want sweet heart!"
Andy was cooking hash browns,biscuits,waffles,bacon and grits with chocolate milk for the angle!
"Looks good babe."
Time flew by and Vic gave her her press my which was a puppy and she named him buger.
We drove iris to the pre-school

"I love you baby girl and have a great time we will pick you up at 2 okay!"
"Okay I love ya too!"she hugged and kissed me
"Alright if anyone is mean to you please tell me and I love you baby you are daddy's little girl and you are growing up way to fast and just have a good day at shook!"andy said
"Love ya too daddy!"she giggled
"Alright my little little kitty cat have a good day I love you!"dad said with his hand on her head
"Love ya too poppy!"
Then she ran I to the class and we saw her meet this cute little girl the we walked off.

~At home~
"Hey I'm going to got somewhere I'll be back in an hour or so!"Vic said swinging his keys on his finger
Me and andy ran up to our room and darted in the bed.
Think about what happened next .

-1hour later-
I woke up naked and saw andy asleep next to me as well I Checked the time in my phone.
Still four hours left to get iris.
I got up and took a shower and put some better and cleaner cloths on.
I re-did my make up and my hair.
I went down stair trying bit to disturb andy. And I started to watch
scary movie 3.

He's it!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora