Chapter 34!

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-skipping a month!-
I'm six months pregnant!
Dad had to go to a concert's that's going to take two months to cover!
Me and Andy went to the check up yesterday and got our baby's pics and he was totally healthy!!
I went in the nursery and it was all set up for him to pop out.
I looked behind me and it was Andy with Iris is his arms asleep.
"I'm putting her to sleep."
"Okay."I smiled
I put my hand on my stomach feeling whatever baby's do in their mothers stomach.
I felt him kick a little.
I smiled. I took one of his bottles and smiled at it. I putt it back. I miss having a little baby any way. Iris grew up to fast!
And Andy is turning 28 in three months then the baby will be born in January!!
I went to the crib and felt the blue soft blanket.
I felt Andy wrap his arms around me. He Reyes his head on my neck.
I smiled,"miss having a baby anyway."
"Me too."he spoke softly.
I yawned,"what time is it love?"
He checked his phone.
"11."he yawned as well.
I headed out the room and so did Andy and I got one more glance at the nursery.
I went down the hall to my room.

We went in our room.
Drew it I'm sleeping in my underwear and bra!!
"I love you."I cuddled to his side
"I love you too sweetie!"

I woke up with the sun in my eyes.
And in an empty bed but in the bright side I smelt bacon!
I put in some shorts and a tanks top and some slippers and a
bath-rob and headed down stares. I walked pasted iris play room and she was playing with her toys still and her tv was in and she was watching a nightmare before Christmas.
I smiled at her and continued on what I was doing.
I saw Andy cooking some waffles and eggs and bacon and I smelt coffee and Andy was listening to the sex pistols so he had fun!
"Hey babe."Andy smiled at me 
"Need help?"
"No I'm good."he smiled
"I'm hungry!"
"I know I know!"he giggled
"What's your problem?"
"I don't have a problem.. It's just every time I see that ring on your hand I'm in a good mood."
"Awe!"I kissed him
A couple minutes later the food was done and Andy's called iris down and we ate
"Can I spend the night with copeland?"
"Umm I don't see why not."
"I'll call Kellin and ask him after breakfast okay."Andy smiled
We ate every thing and Andy went to go drop iris off at kellins house.

I went in the living room and sat on the couch and started to watch the walking dead.

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