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EDITED: December 2020

Drawing random doodles in my notebook, I couldn't give a continental fuck about what my math teacher was talking about. Something algebraic expressions or whatever.

Then suddenly the sound of the intercom going off caught my attention. It was the receptionist asking Mr Douglas to allow me to leave the classroom and go to my grade head's office.

He nodded at me to pack my bags and then I left the classroom.

Ugh, this shit again? No wonder I'm failing. They keep calling me out of class when I could be learning. Okay, as if. But seriously though!

Knocking on Mr Penning's door, a muffled 'come in' was heard and then I turned the knob and entered the office.

"Ah, Miss Slater," He smiled at me, motioning for me to take a seat next to a dark haired boy.

"Why am I here?" I asked bluntly.

"If you remember, yesterday we had the conversation about you needing a tutor?" He asked me.

Well duh. I don't have a spaz memory. "Yeah, I remember," I nodded.

"Miss Slater, meet Theo Parker," He introduced me to the boy sitting next to me.

I looked over at him. I know him because he's in my math and art classes, but I've never spoken to or paid much attention to him. He possessed dark brown, almost black hair and stunning dark blue eyes and a jawline so sharp it could cut concrete. He was wearing a muscle tee which showed off his impressive biceps and his left ear had been pierced with a diamond stud. Oh, and he had a great tan too. Probably natural.

Um, sir. Damn.

"Theo here is your going to be your tutor," Mr Penning told me.

"I told you, I'll find my own tutor," I hissed disrespectfully. At this point, I didn't give a fuck about respect.

He just blanked me and continued talking. "Theo is a straight A student and has agreed to tutor you. I'm pretty sure the two of you won't have any trouble working together," He said.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" I asked, glaring at him.

"No, no you don't," He said, looking rather amused at my irritation.

"Fine, whatever," I groaned.

"Wonderful. You and Theo can work out your tutoring schedule together in your own time," He said before dismissing us.

"You know, you don't have to tutor me," I told Theo as we walked out of the office.

"I really don't mind," He said, brushing his fringe out of his eyes.

"What's in it for you?" I asked, wondering why he would just tutor me because he was asked to.

"Recommendation to Stanford," He shrugged.

Oh, of course. Why am I not surprised. "Oh, okay," I mumbled.

"So uh, you down to work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?" He asked.

"Three days a week?" I whined. "Look at your blatant lack of respect for my social life."

"Well, who's the one failing?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Fiiine," I groaned.

"Cool, see you tomorrow after school then," He said, before walking away from me.

"Yeah, tomorrow," I muttered before heading towards the cafeteria to wait for the bell to ring.


"Wait, he's actually making you get a tutor?" My best friend Aimee asked with a scoff as we sat at our usual lunch table along with our other friends, Joey, Liam and Spencer.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "Theo Parker."

"First class smart ass," Liam said, before taking a bite of his pizza. "Dude is like, top of the grade or something like that."

"And he's as hot as hell," Aimee said, fanning herself with her hand. "I mean, he's Hispanic which means he's naturally hot."

"I'm Hispanic but I don't see you guys calling me naturally hot," Joey pouted.

"That's 'cause you're adorable," I cooed, and then kissed his cheek.

"Annnyway, enough talk of our friend's stupidity," Aimee said, dismissing the subject. Um, bitch. "So, in case anyone's forgotten, its time for our little Ella to complete her dare," She smirked.

"Boy have we been waiting for this," Liam smirked.

Okay, so in my squad, we have this stupid dare thing, and every year someone has to do a dare that someone dishes out. It could be something stupid like an initiation dare or whatever. Since this is our last year of high school, I'm the last one due to do my dare.

"Alright, what is it?" I asked with a small sigh, hoping she wouldn't make me do anything stupid.

"I haven't decided yet," She shrugged. "But when I decide, I'll let you know."

The rest of lunch was spent discussing pointless things before the bell went.

As Joey and I walked out of the cafeteria to our Literature class, I couldn't help but catch Theo's eye. He gave me a small smile before I disappeared down the hallway.

Well, here's to hoping this might work out.

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