Twenty Six

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EDITED: December 2020

Six weeks. That's how long it's been since I've spoken to Theo. 

In those six weeks, I wrote my finals and hopefully passed. Besides missing Theo, nothing much has happened. Aimee and Liam are official now. I only know because Spencer told me. I haven't spoken to her or Liam since that day I ended our friendship. I'm really not interested in being friends with them anymore. Other than that, I've written all my finals and now I just await prom and graduation. 

"Afternoon, Ella Bella," Mrs Jameson said as she entered the kitchen where I was casually sitting on the kitchen island trying to decide what I wanted to eat. 

"Hi, Mrs J," I smiled at her. 

"I found this on the coffee table while I was in the cottage and I figured it belonged to you," She said, handing me an envelope labelled 'Ella & Theo ♥' before walking out the kitchen again. 

This was about three months ago. Theo, Athena and I had taken a bunch of polaroid pictures while hanging out and we each had our own set of them. 

Going through the pictures, my heart broke a little. Theo and I were so happy back then. In each picture, the smile never left our faces. I couldn't help but stop at one certain picture. It was of me, Theo and Athena. Athena was sitting in between Theo and I and he and I were both kissing each of her cheeks while we held hands. 

That was the day he had first brought up the topic of us maybe being together long enough to start a family. I was absolutely thrilled with the idea and we were sure we wanted three. Two boys and a girl. I mean, we knew it was far-fetched but we just couldn't help but talk about it. 

"The tears are gonna ruin the photo," My mom's voice said. 

"Sorry," I mumbled, wiping away my tears and not even being sure as to why I was apologising. 

"Come on," She said, taking my hand and gently pulling me off the island counter, "you and I need to have a chat."

Following her into the living room, we sat down on the couch in silence. 

"I got an email from your grade head. He told me that you excelled in your finals. A's all across the board and a B+ for Math," She said, causing me to light up a little on the inside. I mean, I have been studying really hard for those papers. 

"Oh, great," I mumbled, trying hard to sound happy. 

"I know you miss Theo, topo," She said, pulling me into a hug. 

"More than anything," I admitted, laying my head on her shoulder. 

"Kenny told me everything," She said. 

"I guess you think I'm a horrible person too," I sighed. 

"No, I don't," She said, shaking her head. "I understand that it may have been fun and games in the beginning, but it was obvious to me and everyone else that you were in love with him."

"I still am," I mumbled. 

"He's hurting, my baby. He's angry and upset, but in the end, he's going to realise that he still loves you," She said. 

"But what if he doesn't?" I asked sadly. 

"Gabriella, if you love was meant to be, which it is, it'll find a way," She said, and then kissed my forehead. 

"Was yours and Daddy's love not meant to be?" I asked quietly. 

"Your father and I...that was a mutual decision," She told me. 

"But mama, how do you suddenly wake up one day and decide you don't love someone anymore? Is that even possible?"

"Our split was a long time coming. Mine and your father's marriage was dead for many years. We wanted to wait until you and Kendall were older before we ended things."

Wait...they stayed together for the sake of me and my sister all that time despite the fact that they didn't love each other?

"I didn't know..." I mumbled. 

"We didn't want you to. You and Kendall mean the world to me and your father and we didn't want to see you hurt," She said. 

It then suddenly dawned upon me how much my parents do for Kendall and I. They work so hard without complaint to make sure my sister and I have the life that we have and...I've been taking it for granted the whole time. She's worked so hard to achieve everything that she has. 

For years I watched her hug and kiss my father like she was still in love with him like they were from the very first time. She did it all for me, Gabriella Alessandra Slater and my sister, Kendall Giavana Slater. 

"Mama, so che non lo dico spesso, ma io ti amo e tu sei la mamma migliore che chiunque petrebbe chiedere per," I said to her, my pure Italian never fading. 
(Mommy, I know I don't say this often, but I love you and you're the best mom anyone could ask for).

I watched as my mom's grey eyes filled with happiness and tears, and then she kissed my forehead and said, "Tu puo essere a tre, tredici o trenta, ma sarai sempre la mia bambina."

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