Chapter 1

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Today was the day that I was FINALLY going to Hogwarts! I'm so excited! Who wouldn't be? I smiled as I packed my clothes in my suitcase. "Honey! It's almost time to get on the train!" I sighed. Everything else that I needed for school was in the car. But of course I had decided to put off getting my clothes ready but my family is always early so I knew we wouldn't be late.

I closed my suitcase and opened my bedroom door and walked to the front door. I smiled as I opened the door and turned around to look at everything. "First step to becoming a great witch." I whispered. I then turned and walked out of my house, closing the door behind me.

I walked to the car and opened the trunk shoving my suitcase in there. I then went to the passenger side of the car and buckled myself in. "Thanks mum for letting me go to Hogwarts and for taking me." Mother then started the car. "Your welcome." I smiled and turned to my right to see our house. I turned back to look at my mum.

"Where's dad?" I asked as Mother then started to drive towards the train station. "With your siblings." I sighed as I turned on the radio. "Oh." I then turned to the window and stared out the window.

~Time Skip~

"Bye mum." She then hugged me. "Goodbye (Name). I love you." I smiled. "Goodbye mom. I love you too." She then released me. I turned and got onto the train. I still carried my bag with my school robes. Mother said we would have to change into then before we got to Hogwarts.

I turned and bumped into someone as I turned the corner to find somewhere to sit. "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" The person laughed. "It's alright." I looked up a bit to see a boy around my age with brown hair and gray eyes. I smiled. "Nice to meet you." He said. I smiled. "Nice to meet you too." He smirked. "We better go find a compartment. That's if you want to sit with me." I smiled and nodded. "Ya I'll sit with you. Thanks for being so nice."

The boy smiled as he took the lead. I noticed he had a bag as well. Maybe he was a first year like me. Hopefully he was, maybe we would both be in the same house. He opened a compartment door and gestured me to go inside. I smiled. "Thank you. Oh I forgot to ask but what is your name?" I said as I went into the compartment.

I sat on the right side as he closed the door and sat on the left side. He smiled at me and looked out the window. "My name's Cedric Diggory." He turned back to me and stuck out his hand. I smiled. "(Name) (Last Name)" I grabbed his hand and shook it. "Well (Name) your name is very beautiful." I giggled and blushed. "Thank you." I stared put the window.

"What house do you want to be in?" I asked Cedric. He shrugged. "Maybe Hufflepuff so I can make my old man proud." I gave a small smile. "That's sweet. I'm sure if you're this nice you could make it to Hufflepuff." He laughed. "Your sweet too so maybe we both will be in Hufflepuff. Maybe we can even become best friends." I smiled.

"I would like that even if you were in Ravenclaw and I was a Hufflepuff." Cedric laughed. "I most likely won't be a Ravenclaw. I'm not that smart." I started to laugh. "How would I know! We barely know anything about each other!" We then both started to laugh.

After we stopped laughing we looked outside. "What's your favorite color?" Cedric asked. "(Favorite Color)" He laughed. "You look like someone who would like (Favorite Color)." I tried not to smile. "Hey! What is that suppose to mean!" Cedric shrugged.

"You're mean! Your not going to be in Hufflepuff because of that." Cedric laughed until he finally stopped. "You can't say if I will be in Hufflepuff or not. You're not the Sorting Hat." I frowned. "It was a joke!" I then laughed. "You take everything seriously Cedric!" He smirked.

The compartment door opened. A girl with school robes was standing there. "We are almost there. Please put on your robes." Me and Cedric both gave a short nod. "I'm putting my robes on over my clothes. What about you." Cedric nodded. "Same here." I opened my bag and pulled out my neatly folded robe and slipped it over my clothes. Once I was done.

I looked at Cedric who already had his robe over his clothes and was looking at me. I smiled causing him to blink and look out the window. I rested my head on the wall. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

~Time Skips~

"(Name) wake up." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see a pair of gray eyes staring at me. "Finally. Your awake." Cedric smirked. "Grab your bag. We have to get off." I sat up and comb my hair with my fingers.

Cedric opened the compartment door. He looked back at me and waited for me to walk through the door. I looked at him and grabbed my bag. I then walked through the door and I turned my head back to see if he was coming, he smirked and walked right next to me. "Promise whatever happens we will become friends?" Cedric asked. I nodded and smiled. "Definitely."

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