Chapter 3

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Today was the very first Quidditch match. I had learned that Thomas was on the Quidditch team! He is apparently the Keeper. I believe him but I don't know if he's a good Keeper or not.

But hopefully he is since our first House Quidditch match is in November. Today was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. It was going to be a good game since they are rival houses.

I sighed as I grabbed a coat. I knew it was going to be windy since it was early November. "Are you ready (Name)?" Katherine asked. I nodded. "Ya let's go." I said with a smile.

Me and Katherine walked down the the Common Room to see mostly everyone walking out the door. Good. We weren't late. "Hey (Name)." I turned to see Thomas looking at me. I smiled. "Hi Thomas." Katherine giggled causing me to look at her. "I'll leave you two to alone." Katherine then ran out of the Common Room.

I sighed as I looked back at Thomas. "Sorry about her." Thomas shrugged. "It's fine." We then walked out of the Common Room. I felt like I was being watched but I couldn't since I didn't want to trip.

"So do you want to sit together during the Quidditch match?" Thomas asked. I smiled. "Sure! We can get to know each other better while we are at it." Thomas chuckled. "I'll hold you to it." I giggled.

"So what's your favorite color?" Thomas chuckled. "Orange. Like the sunset." That's a beautiful color. I thought. "What's your favorite color?" Thomas asked. I smiled. "(Favorite Color). Just like (example)." Thomas smiled. "Ya (Favorite Color) is a good color." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey (Name)." I turned to see Cedric walking towards me. "Hey Cedric!" I said with a huge smile. Cedric and I have been hanging out together the past months. We have gotten very close. But also Thomas and I became good friends as well.

"Thomas." Cedric said as he put his hand out for a hand shake. Thomas just looked at Cedric's hand and back at him. "Diggory. Well (Name) I better go save us some seats. I'll meet you at the Quidditch Field." Thomas said once he walked away.

"So?" I asked. Cedric just chuckled as we slowly started walking to the Quidditch Field. "Nothing. But I do say that Thomas doesn't like me very much." Cedric said quietly.

I'm not sure why they didn't like each other. It would be nice if they told me why they didn't get along. Maybe Thomas just doesn't like Cedric but, why wouldn't he? What did Cedric do to him?

"Cedric. Do you think Thomas is a good person?" I asked. Cedric shrugged. "I'm not sure. Besides I don't want to say anything that could ruin your friendship." Cedric said as he shoved his hands in his coat. I nodded. "Ya. I do take your opinion into account. I hope you know that." I said as I looked at Cedric's gray eyes. He just smiled.

I then did finally notice his rosy cheeks from the cold weather. His lips as red as his cheeks. His hair nice and neat as he wore his scarf perfectly around his neck. I slightly smiled.

"We better hurry up before we are late." Cedric said. I nodded as we started to pick up the pace.

~Time Skips~

I ended up sitting in between Thomas and Cedric. With their bickering I had barely even paid attention to the Quidditch match.  "Can you two stop bickering for once!" I yelled at Thomas and Cedric. "Sorry." They both mumbled. I sighed. "It's fine. You two were just getting me annoyed." I mumbled. I don't know why they disliked  each other so much.

I walked to the Hufflepuff common room and sat down at one of the empty tables. Thomas walked up to me and sat down with me while Cedric left to be with his other friends.

"Are you okay (Name)?" Thomas asked. I nodded. "Ya of course. Why do you ask?" I questioned. Thomas just chuckled. "You yelled at me and Diggory for bickering the whole time we were with you." Thomas replied. I sighed. "That's true. I'm not mad if that's what you're asking." I replied. Thomas just shook his head.

"That's good." Thomas said as he just looked at me. I was confused why would a 3rd year hang out with a 1st year? It honestly sounds a bit fishy but those are questions for another day, at another place.

"The Quidditch game was pretty good." I said as I tried to start a different conversation. Thomas nodded. "Ya it was pretty good. Slytherin didn't play fair but I'm glad Gryffindor won. It's better than having cocky Slytherins walking around but Gryffindors are just as bad." Thomas said. I rolled my eyes. "That's not nice to say." I replied. Thomas just rolled his eyes back at me with a smirk. "I know but it's true." Thomas replied. I sighed.

"Whatever. I'll see you tomorrow. I need to go study." I said as I stood up and walked towards the girl dorms. These boys were going to drive me insane by the time Thomas has to leave.

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