Chapter 18

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"(Name)!" Katherine spoke as she walked next to her (Hair Color) haired girl. She had been hearing rumors that Cho was accusing (Name) of starting rumors about her. The rumors being that Cho was sleeping around with Ravenclaw sixth and seventh years.

The worst part was that Cho was claiming that (Name) was doing this for the attention of Cedric and because the (Hair Color) haired girl felt threatened by the raven-haired girl. It was not looking good for (Name) even though she had done nothing.

"What's wrong?" (Name) asked. She could see the concern on Katherine's face. Of course, Katherine knew everything that was going on at Hogwarts. She had other friends that kept her in the loop. Especially since they had noticed that (Name) was good friends with Cedric Diggory, Hogwarts Golden boy.

"Cho is spreading even more rumors about you. It's not looking good. Some people are believing that you are making up these rumors so Cedric can ignore her and go to you." Katherine whispered as they saw a couple of Ravenclaws glaring at them. The three girls huffed as they walked away with their noses in their air.

(Name) and Katherine rolled their eyes as the (Hair Color) haired girl looked at her friend. Why was Cho trying so hard to take her down? Why did she have to start rumors about her to get to Cedric?

(Name) took a deep breath. She was angry actually she was furious. Her (Eye Color) eyes met those of Cedric Diggory's. He was leaning on the castle wall as he spoke to Cho Chang. How dare he speak to Cho after she made (Name) suffer from glares and hate notes because of what the Ravenclaw had lied about!

"Hey, let's think this through yo-" Katherine began to speak as (Name) marched towards Cedric. He was not going to get away from this nor will he live this down in (Name)'s book.

(Name) walked towards the pair as if she was on a mission to kill and perhaps she was. Her glare was so stern that everyone would be six feet under. (Name) continued to walk as she ignored the call of a familiar Hufflepuff.

Thomas sighed as he turned to Katherine. "Is she okay?" He asked in concern as Katherine shook her head.

She watched as her friend finally made it to the pair. Katherine took a deep breath as she prepared herself to watch the scene in front of her unfold.

"You should be asking if Cedric is going to be okay after this," Katherine spoke as she moved to the side of the hallway and a bit closer to the trio. No one was prepared for a furious (Name).

Thomas crossed his arms as he looked at the trio. He knew that there had been tension between the three, but he would never guess that Cho Change had really made (Name) (Last Name) this furious.

"How dare you speak to her after she has started disgusting rumors about me!" (Name) yelled at Cedric. Yes, she yelled at Cedric. She did not care to be composed. No, she was far from being nice at this point. She was over Cho Chang and she was going to let Cedric know about it.

"Um (Na-" Cedric was cut off by (Name) whipping her head towards the Ravenclaw that was next to him. If only (Name) had let him speak, then she would know that he was going to talk to Cho about the rumors. At least he knew the rumors bothered her more than it bothered him.

"You! You need to stop before I actually do something about it. You need to group up and fight for a man with your personality not by how you force his friends away." (Name) sternly spoke. Her voice was toneless and cold as she spoke to Cho. She was done with her and she hopes that Cedric was thinking the same thing.

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