Chapter 2

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After me and Cedric got off the train and got onto boats to get to Hogwarts. It was very pretty. We then walked into the Great Hall. There was 4 long tables with many students sitting on them. The very end of the tables were empty for us first years.

We all walked up to the steps in front of the teacher's table. Cedric grabbed my hand causing me to look at him. "Remember no matter what happens we will be friends." I nodded with a smile across my face. "Definitely."

Professor McGonagall explained all the rules to us. I may or may not have paid much attention to the professor. She then started to call off our names from this piece of parchment.

"(Name) (Last Name)!" I took a deep breath. They made a pathway for me since me and Cedric had been in the middle. I let go of his hand and walked up to Professor McGonagall. They placed the sorting hat on my head. I began to feel nervous. "Hmm. Loyal that's for sure........could do great in Gryffindor but you'll do better in......HUFFLEPUFF!" The sorting yelled. Everyone clapped for about the 20th time tonight. I started walking to the Hufflepuff table.

"Hello." Some third year said to me. He had brown hair and green eyes. He looked tall but me being a first means everyone is tall. I noticed he was still looking at me. "Hello. My name's (Name). What's you name?" I asked as I took out my hand. He smiled and shook my hand. "Thomas." I smiled. "Nice to meet you Thomas." He smiled as he faced towards the front again. "Cedric Diggory!" I watched as Cedric sat on the chair. It didn't even have to sit on its head as it said. "HUFFLEPUFF!" Cedric just smiled as came over the our house table. He sat next to me. "See (Name). We have nothing to worry about. We are in the same house." I smiled and nodded.

Once Professor McGonagall was finished with sorting all of the students she finally said. "Dig in." Everyone then began to eat the food that was on the table. Most of us at like humans while others.....not so much. More like animals I would say. I grabbed a few pieces of chicken and desserts that were around.

Once everyone had finished we had the Head Boy and Head Girl show us to our Common room. It was near the kitchen corridor and was hidden by barrels. We didn't have a password which was odd but we had to do a rhythm oh the middle barrel. It was complicated but I'm sure we can manage. By we I mean Cedric and I. After all we are suppose to be life time friends. "Cant wait to see our Common room." Cedric whispered to me. I nodded.

I saw Thomas ahead of us. He made eye contact with me and waved. I smiled and waved back. "Who's that?" Cedric asked with curiosity. I shrugged as we walked into our Common room.

"Wow." I said as I looked around. All the furniture was black and yellow, which was no surprise but there were many plants everywhere and we even had windows! "It would look amazing if the moonlight shined into here." I smiled as we turned to our Head Boy and Girl.

"Alright we will be headed to the dormitories now! Girls on left! Boys on right!" I looked at Cedric who was already leaving. I sighed. Oh well I tell him goodnight tomorrow.

~Time Skips~

I yawned as I woke up from my bed. I shared a room with two other girls. I didn't mind they were very nice actually. Their names were Katherine and Jade. I stretched a but more. I found a piece of paper on my nightstand. I picked it up.

Have a nice day. See you at breakfast.

From your favorite Hufflepuff,
Cedric Diggory

I smiled slightly. It wasn't many classes but they were a hour long! I just hope I didn't get bored. "Hey Katherine? Jade? Did you guys get your schedules?" I asked. "No, we get them at breakfast." Katherine answered. "Oh, Okay." I said as I got out of bed and started getting ready.

"(Name) hurry! I'm hungry!" I smiled as Katherine complained. "So am I. No worries. I'm almost done getting ready." I brushed my hair a couple of times before me and Katherine went to the Commons Room.

I saw Cedric standing there with a group of guys, around our age, surrounding him. Cedric smirked as he saw me and Katherine walking out of the Common Room. "Let's go get food." One of the Hufflepuff boys said. Me and Katherine walked out as the group of boys followed us.

It did take us long to get the Great Hall. Me and Katherine sat down at the Hufflepuff table. I grabbed a plate and started to put food on it. I saw, from the corner of my eye, Cedric sitting next to me. "Hey (Name)." Cedric said as he also grabbed a plate. "Hey Cedric." I said with a smile. I started eating as Cedric filled his plate. Hopefully we will be sitting next to each other in our classes.

~Time Skips~

I sighed. We had gotten our schedules when we were done with our breakfast. We then went straight to class. Today was okay if first years were late. Or at least some teachers were lean it on it. Like our Herblogy Professor she was lean it on us being late but I do think it's because she's in charge of all the Hufflepuffs.

I was walking back to the Common Room with Cedric next to me. I was tired. All my classes felt like forever long. We had most classes with Ravenclaws, some with Slytherins and Gryffindors. It was nice meeting many different people that were in the same year as us but in different houses.

"Hey are you okay?" Cedric asked as he did the password. I nodded with a small smile. "Ya. I'm fine." I said as the barrels moved. Me and Cedric walked through the door to see many Hufflepuffs in the Common Room.

"Should we hang out later?" Cedric asked with a smile. I smiled as I looked at him. Who wouldn't smile at someone who was smiling? "Ya sure. Let's meet here in 30 minutes." Cedric nodded as he went to the boy dorms.

I smiled as I went to the girl dorms. Once I found my bedroom I instantly went to the bed and laid on it. I fell asleep quickly. I dreamed about how my first year would go.

~Time Skips~

I yawned as I stretched. I got up and brushed my teeth. It didn't seem to late. I wonder how long I slept. Wait. I fell asleep. For how long!? I finished brushing my teeth and ran out of the bedroom. Once I got to the Common Room I saw Cedric sitting there. I walked up to him. "Cedric. I'm so sorry! I accidentally fell asleep." Cedric chuckled. "Its okay Katherine and Jade told me you had fallen asleep." I smiled. I would have to thank them later.

"Well thank you for waiting for me." Cedric smiled as I sat next to him. "Why wouldn't I wait for you? You were the first person I met, personally, on the train." I giggled. "Your sure about that?" I questioned. Cedric just snorted. "I'm pretty sure it was about a day ago." We looked at each other and started laughing.

This was how we became friends. Before everything became complicated.

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