Chapter 10

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"I don't understand why you are so mad!" I stated as I crossed my arms. Why was Cedric so mad!? All this because of a prank....


"We should pull a prank on Cedric." I stated as the Weasley twins looked at each other and laughed.

"Trouble in paradise?" Fred asked. At least, I think it was Fred...

"He's not my boyfriend, so that expression doesn't work." I stated as I rolled my eyes.

"Well we-
"-could never-"
"Pass up the opportunity of pulling a prank." They said together.

I smiled. "Good! Now let's begin with our plans!"

(Flashback Ended)

"(Name), I'm mad because you promised you wouldn't hang out with them! The worst part is that you took part on this prank!" Cedric said angrily.

I sighed. "I know. I'm sorry Cedric. I thought you wouldn't get mad! I thought you would take this as a joke!" I argued.

I wasn't mad at all, just upset that he got extremely angry at me. The prank wasn't that bad! He just got paint all over him, in front of the girl he was talking too....

"I'm not angry that you embarrassed me. I'm not angry at all. I'm just disappointed that you lied to me." Cedric stated as he walked towards the boy's room.

I sighed as I sat on the couch in the Common Room. I rather have him be mad at me than disappointed. Having someone be disappointed in me.

I couldn't believe a simple prank with my Gryffindor friends would be so harmful.

~Time Skips~

"Is he still mad?" Katherine asked as we sat down in our Charms class.

This week couldn't have been any worse. I was late to my classes causing me to have detention everyday. Cedric didn't even sit next to me or look at me all week.

I don't understand why he was extremely upset. It was just a joke. At least it was a joke for the Weasley twins and I.

"Yeah, I believe he is." I replied as I began to pull everything out for class. I turned to see Cedric sitting next to me. I slightly smiled maybe he would warm up to me.

"(Name)." Cedric stated, before I could say anything else, our professor caught our attention. Maybe after class...

~Time Skips~

"Cedric are you still mad at me?" I asked as Cedric and I walked side by side to our next class.

"Yes, you lied to me. So I am mad, but I will forgive you."  Cedric explained. I smiled at the victory of him saying he forgave me.

"I understand. I'm sorry Cedric." I said as I truly began to feel guilty for lying to him.

"Just don't hang out too often with those twins." Cedric said as he turned to the hallway on the right. I sighed. I guess I would have to talk to those twins that I couldn't hang out with them as often.

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