Chapter 9

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"I don't like them." Cedric said as we walked together. "Why? Just because they prank a few first years from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor." I explained to Cedric. Fred and George were harmless. They only wanted to have fun. "It's not just that...." Cedric muttered. "It's just what?" I questioned. I think I know where he was getting at but I want him to admit that he was jealous.

"You spend too much time with them." Cedric muttered. I smiled. He's so jealous. "What was that Cedric." I asked with a smirk. "I said they are not good influences for you." Cedric stated. I smiled. "Oh really?" I taunted. "When did you care about my well being?" I smiled knowing I got him.

Cedric sighed. "Whatever. When they turn on you don't expect me not to tell you I told you so." Cedric stated as he walked away. I looked at Cedric with an odd look.

I continued walking without him. Hopefully he would get over it later. "Hello (Name)!" Katherine yelled as she walked up to me. "Cedric looked a bit upset. What happened?" She asked with concern. I tried to hide my smile as I shrugged.

"(Name)! You look guilty as ever!" Katherine exclaimed. I smiled knowing all to well that she was right. "I know. It was a just a bit of teasing...." I said quietly. Katherine laughed.

"You are breaking your shell a bit more! I think you should hang out with those twins more often!" I responded with a laugh. Hanging out with those twins did make me a bit more ooutgoing. They were very fun to hang out with, even when they were getting into trouble.

"I like hanging out with them, but I don't think I should hang out with them often since Cedric doesn't like them." I stated as we walked into the Great Hall.

Katherine and I sat next to a couple of third years as everyone began to eat lunch. I ate a few strawberries and other fruit. "I can't wait until dinner." Katherine stated as she ate a banana. I rolled my eyes as I laughed. "You always want food."

We both continued to laugh until I saw Cedric walking towards us with his group of friends. Katherine and I immediately calmed down.

"Are you going to continue to hang out with them?" Cedric whispered into my ear as he sat next to me followed by three of his friends while the rest went around the table.

"I guess not, if that makes you happy." I said with disappointment. I couldn't believe he didn't like the twins. Well neither did the people that got pranked by them.

Cedric sighed. "Fine, if it means that much. You should go hang out with them. Just, don't forget about me." I smiled. "No one can forget you, pretty boy." Cedric chuckled at my response as I rolled my eyes.

"We have classes together and your worried we won't spend a lot of time together. You are one of a kind Diggory."

"Good to me I am one of a kind. Now you know you can't replace me." I laughed sarcastically. "Haha, very funny."

This continued until lunch was over. He would make a comment and I would jab back a sarcastic comment. I didn't think I would change by hanging out with the twins, but I did and there was no going back...

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