Chapter 15

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"You will be there for me right?" Cedric asked as (Name) hummed a response.

"For what again?" (Name) asked as she focused her attention to the boy sitting next to her instead of the book in front of her. She went through all her conversations with Cedric the past week to see if she could remember her promise to him.

"To watch me at Quidditch tryouts this year. I already made the team last year, but this year I want you there." Cedric pleaded as (Name) smiled.

"Of course I'll be there. When is it again?"  (Name) asked as Cedric chuckled.

"Tomorrow afternoon." Tomorrow was Sunday, so she would have to finish homework tonight.

"Alright I'll try to be there." (Name) said as Cedric frowned. (Name) giggled.

"Fine. I will be there." (Name) said as she rolled her eyes as Cedric chuckled and got his homework out of the bag. He was going to spend some more time with her before he becomes too busy with Quidditch.


(Name) sat on the bleachers are she watched Cedric and his possible teammates fly around. Apparently there were a lot of second years trying out this year.

It had made both (Name) and Cedric nervous since Cedric didn't want to lose his spot and (Name) didn't want Cedric to become disappointed that he wasn't the best.

"I didn't think you would still be here." Katherine said as she sat down next to her friend. She truly was surprised that she had gotten here an hour earlier with Cedric and was still was here.

"I didn't think so either, but I do think Cedric would appreciate it if I stayed the entire time." (Name) responded.

Katherine smiled at her friend. She wondered if she truly did notice how much Cedric cared about her romantically or if she was just oblivious to it.

She shook her head and watched Cedric fly in the air. Maybe Cedric didn't even notice how (Name)'s actions proved how she had romantic feelings for him as well.

"He's great isn't he." (Name) commented as Cedric caught the snitch.

"I agree." Katherine agreed as she watched (Name) smile at Cedric. Her friend was totally into him.


"Congratulations Cedric! I knew you would keep your spot!" (Name) said as she hugged her friend.

Cedric chuckled as he held (Name) close. He didn't care that he reeked of sweat. He was just happy that she was proud of him.

"You smell Cedric!" (Name) said as she tried to  push Cedric away. She sighed knowing this boy was trying to make her suffer with his horrid odor.

"Thank you." Cedric said letting go of (Name). He smiled as he watched her (Eye Color) orbs meet his. He watched as she rolled her eyes and punched his arm.

"Ow! I just kept my position and you're already trying to kick me off of it!" He teased as (Name) rolled her eyes again.

"I sure am. Maybe I can take your position." (Name) teased as they both laughed. They knew how much (Name) wouldn't dare fly unless she had to. She had a terrible fear of flying on a broom since she was inexperienced.

"I'm sure you will." Cedric replied. He definitely missed (Name) over the summer.

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