Chapter 14 - Year 3

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(Name) sighed as she shoved her luggage onto the shelf on top. It was finally time to go back to Hogwarts. Even though summer was relaxing, she had begun to look forward to studying at Hogwarts again.

She had spent the beginning of summer at the Weasley's home. She had met Mr and Mrs. Weasley. They treated her as if she was their daughter, which made the young girl feel at home.

(Name) was then introduced to Charlie and Percy. Charlie was an animal lover and talked to her about dragons at any moment he got. However Percy was very different, he didn't talk much to her and when he did it was about school.

(Name) also met the youngest Weasleys, Ron and Ginny. Ron was shocked that the twins would invite someone, especially a girl, to the house. Ron was fascinated by the magic that the girl could produce and was even more excited for the day he turned eleven.

Ginny loves having (Name) around since she was the oldest sister she always wanted. She loved spending time with her and was sad once the Hufflepuff went home.

Fred and George had been glad to have her around as she helped them come up with pranks for the next school year. They were glad she was around since no one else would give them ideas for their pranks. They were at but sad she had to leave three weeks before school started, but she did have to see her family.

"Look who it is." A voice said as (Name) sat down. She smiled as she recognized Katherine standing at the entrance of the train compartment. She squealed and hugged her friend.

"It's nice to see you!" (Name) said as she continued to hug her friend.

"I'm so glad I found you! I didn't want to sit alone or with a couple of strangers." Katherine said as she moved away from the embrace.

"Have you talked to Cedric?" Katherine asked as she sat down in front of (Name). (Name) smiled as recalled the letters they wrote to each other.

"Of course I have. I think if I didn't then he would be here hounding me about it." They both giggled as someone cleared their throat. They turned to see Cedric with a smile.

"I heard the two of you talking about me." Katherine rolled her eyes as Cedric smirked.

"You would have to admit to eavesdropping if you want that statement to be true." Katherine teased causing Cedric to drop his smirk. The two girls gave each other a look and began to laugh.

"Well are you sitting with us or what?" (Name) asked as Cedric shrugged.

"Well since you insist."


"You look different." Cedric said as everyone ate their food. There was only a few first years, so it had not taken long for them to be sorted into their houses.

"What do you mean?" (Name) asked as Cedric looked at her eyes and then to her hair.

"Did your hair grow longer?" He asked as (Name) nodded as she focused on her food again.

He looked around the Hufflepuff table to make eye contact with a certain someone that made his blood boil. He frowned as the boy smirked and continued to eat his food. Cedric glanced at (Name) to see her talking to Katherine and not paying attention to the certain someone. He sighed. He was going to need to protect (Name) from him.

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