Chapter 12

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A few weeks passed and it was finally spring. Cedric and I began to spend a lot more time together, but his other group of friends would tag along. This caused me to beg Katherine to hang out with us.

Currently Katherine and I were walking towards the library to pick up a few books about magical creatures since we both wanted to know what else was out there in the world.

"Um (Name)." Katherine said causing me to look at her.

"What is it?" I asked. Katherine pointed to Thomas who was now right in front of us. This caused my heart to race. I hadn't seen him in a very long time. What did he want from me?

"Hello (Name). Hello Katherine." Thomas said as he ran his hand through his curly hair. Katherine looked at me and then back to Thomas.

"Hello Thomas." Katherine mumbled.

"Is it okay if I talk to (Name) alone?" Thomas asked as he looked at Katherine. She sighed in defeat.

"I guess it's not a problem. I'll be in the library waiting for you. Don't take to long or else I'll leave you." Katherine said with a smile as she left.

"Look (Name) I'm sorry." I crossed my arms as I shook my head.

"If you were really sorry then you would have apologized long ago. Not right now." Thomas sighed. His eyes were filled with distress.

"I know, but I have been busy. I can't possibly put you first when you don't do the same to me." Thomas shot back. I frowned.

Usually he had more control over his feelings. Now he looked like an angry maniac. The way his eyes blazed with anger and how he tapped his foot. Well he actually looked more like a mad dad.

"I don't expect you to put me first. I just expect you to be a decent human being and apologize for lying to me. The trust I use to have for you has broken." I said as Thomas frowned. Did he really think I trusted him after what he did?

"Is there anyway I can fix it?" I sighed and shook my head.

"I don't know if there is anyway to fix it, but I'll let you know if there is a way." I said as I walked around him and towards the library. Hopefully Katherine was still there.

"Hello (Nickname)." The twins said as I walked around the corner.

"Hi Fred. Hi George." I replied as they both smiled.

"We need something from you." Fred said as I raised an eyebrow. What did they want from me?

"What do you need?" I asked as they both sighed.

"Well to tell you the truth we need help with charms."

"We're finding it difficult to casts a few spells and remember what they are used for." George said as I nodded.

"Of course I'll help you. Meet me tomorrow after classes at the library."

"Thank you (Nickname)." They both said as they walked passed me.

I continued to walk towards the library. Hopefully there wouldn't be any more delays.


"So what happened after that?" Katherine asked as we walked back to the Common Rooms.

"I left. I told you we didn't make up." I said as I carried at least two books of magical creatures while Katherine carried nothing.

"Well that's surprising. I thought he would beg for your forgiveness. After all he fancies you." Katherine said as we walked towards the girls dormitories. We whispered the password and the main door unlocked.

"I don't think he fancies me. I'm sure he fancies  some Ravenclaw or Gryffindor from his year." I reasoned as Katherine rolled her eyes.

"I certainly doubt that Thomas doesn't fancy you. Maybe he's waiting until his 7th year to tell you something." Katherine said as she opened the door to our dorm.

"That would make sense." I said as I placed my books on the nightstand. I fell onto my bed. There was no way Thomas fancied me. But if he didn't then why were their rumors about it during my first year? I sighed as I turned in my side. Hopefully he didn't fancy me because I don't see him like that.

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