The Bite

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The picture above is what she choses to wear as the new her.

*Takes place during season 3A*

Chapter 1

I'm Celena Lane. Out of the few friends I have I would say my best friends are Stiles and Lydia. Scott and Derek are my friends too though I don't know them as well as Stiles and Lydia. I'm just a regular girl, a dumb high school nobody. There's nothing special about me; nothing to make people stare when I walk down the hallways, but I know about Scott and Derek. I know what happened to Scott when he became what he is; he became special and noticed. I want that more than anything else.

To get this I went to Derek's subway car.  I walked with meaning, prepared to do everything in my power to fight and get him to turn me but it went a lot more simple than I had expected. We had a small chat, I agreed to knowing the consequences and he agreed to give me the bite. I watched in absolute awe as is eyes began to glow red and his teeth elongated into fangs, and he lunged toward me and bit my hip.

 I woke up lying down on the seats of Derek's subway. I looked around and didn't see him anywhere. When I looked again he was on the other end of the car staring at me. "Well hopefully it worked if anything goes wrong find me immediately." He said as he walked towards me crouching down next to me at the last word looking into my eyes.  "Okay." I said holding his gaze before  looking out the window to see it was getting dark. "I should get home." I finished softly hoping he wouldn't stop me. He didn't and I quickly walked home.

When I got there my sister pounced on me asking "Where were you?" Seeing as it's like three hours after school. "I was studying with Lydia." For a second it seemed like she didn't believe me then thought for a moment and said "Okay well you missed dinner." "It's okay I'm not hungry." I replied not wanting to be down there any longer and I went up to my room, plopped on my bed and texted Scott. We caught up on a few things to do with school and home life before I mentioned the bite. I waited a little bit until my phone buzzed and Scott texted back saying,
"Did you want it or did he force it?"
I texted back "Yes I wanted it, maybe people will notice me at school from now on. See you tomorrow."
He texted back "Okay well I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight."
Tomorrow was my first day as the new me I needed something different from my usual light colored soft fabric shirt, blue jeans and tennis shoes.


Everything is owned by me including the outfit collages.

Things not owned by me are as followed:

Characters created by Jeff Davis creator of Teen Wolf and any storyline merges.

Pictures in the collages are not mine but the presentation of them together are.


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